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Sunny led Iris to the new part of the town that she claimed had mysteriously appeared, via a door that hadn't been there before. Iris wondered what was behind. She was an adventurer after all. So was Sunny.

When Sunny pushed open the door and pulled her into the new area Iris gasped in astonishment.

The new area was a huge plaza with a fountain right in the middle. Lights were strung everywhere. The floor was an elaborately decorated mosaic.

Iris stepped in front of Sunny. "W - wow! This just... appeared out of nowhere?"

"Yep! I don't know why or how, but it did." Sunny stepped forward. "Come on, come on, let's go, let's go! I'm so excited!"

"Alright, alright" Iris laughed. "I'm coming." She followed Sunny, her wings fluttering a little in anticipation.

They approached the fountain, looking up at it.

"Whoa...the size is truly amazing!" Sunny said, running her hand over the rim of the basin of the fountain.

"It is... hang on!" She flew up, and perched on top of the fountain.
"Wow! I can see so far!" She yelled back down at Sunny before flying back down.

"Those wings of yours are something amazing... I wish I had wings." Sunny said sadly, her skin dimming to match her mood.

She could never have wings, because her race had skin so hot, they would melt off because wings usually were not made of fireproof material. If they were they would be too heavy to fly.

Iris didn't say anything, as because the topic of her wings was a bit of a sore spot for Sunny.

Iris had beautiful wings, shaped like a monarch butterfly's. The difference was the coloring. Both her wings had coloring that looked like an abstract stained glass mosaic. In fact, when the sun shone through them, they actually cast colored shadows on the ground.

Well it had been a long time since she saw those colored shadows. The sun never rose in Traverse Town. She didn't know why.

"...Anyway" Sunny said, brightening again, literally. "Let's keep exploring!"

Iris smiled and ran after her, putting the last minute out of her mind.

They explored some more, but didn't find anything as interesting as the fountain. So when they were finished they sat on the edge of the fountain and talked.

"If the world is expanding...do you think more areas will open up?" Sunny asked.

"Maybe. We'll have to wait and see." Replied Iris.

"Anyway, I'm going back to the other area. I'll be there if you need me."

"Ok. See you" Iris said, and Sunny skipped off back through the door.

Iris leaned back a little, sighing.

Then she saw something black move out of the corner of her eye.

She startled, looking that way. Nothing was there.

There it was again! This time from the other direction...
She looked that way, but nothing was there.

Then something flashed right in front of her face.

She yelled in suprise, falling backward into the fountain.


She sat up, sputtering. She looked left and right. Nothing!

"Iris!" Someone yelled. She looked over to see Sunny running toward her. "What happened?"

"...I slipped. Leaned too far back. I'm alright...but my wings are waterlogged."

"Oh, I can help you dry them out..." Sunny said helping her out of the fountain. "Let's just go back to the main area"

"Ok." Iris said, walking out with Sunny. But one question remained...

What had just happened?

The Girl With Wings Like Glass (A Kingdom Hearts Story)Where stories live. Discover now