Krystallvael, Part 4

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***At The Palace***

Ulus hurried down the corridor. He needed to hurry. His master would be waiting for a status report. And he would be most pleased.

As soon as he closed himself into an underground room with a pool, he leaned over and touched the water. The water rippled, and then settled. The image of the water reflected the deepest part of the Crystal Mines in the background.

And the person reflected back to Ulus was no longer his reflection, but a man in a black coat.

"Mine own mast'r." Ulus bowed. "The wench you speak of is here. She is heading f'r the mines, as her guide hast inf'rmed me. He is leading her and her companions to thee."

The figure who was reflected shifted. "Good. I was hoping that you'd get on with it. You've been terribly slow these past few days."

Ulus shook his head. "I'm s'rry. Kidnapping the prince right out from und'r the nose of that wench Esme wast not easy. And the whole kingdom hast been on high al'rt. T hast not been easy f'r me to moveth 'round apace."

"Save your excuses. You must be ready to summon your Nobody forces to overtake the castle." He said sharply. "Until then, close all ports of entry and exit. No one shall be allowed in or out.
We have the bird in the cage.
We just need to close the door."

The transmission cut.

Ulus hurried back upstairs to begin closing the ports. It would be easy. Pretend that it was for the safety of the people. No more outsiders, for now.

No one in,

And no one out.

***At the mines***

The figure stepped from the pool of water. It was all coming together. Having some nobodies find the rock that Iris and that dragon had been resting on and nudging it so it would end up in Krystallvael had been simple. Brainwashing that official and the guide had been even simpler. And soon he would have his prize - that girl.

The girl that should have died with her world.

They had meant to destroy Shanyae completely. The light there was powerful. So powerful it could have stopped his organization in their tracks.  But the people of the planet were unaware of the power they wielded. It had been so easy to wipe out the world using the simple minded Heartless. And for a while, it looked like they had won.

Until it came to light that there had been a survivor. A child, no less. One that had landed in Traverse Town. Along with the survivor of another race they thought they wiped out.

They had sent someone to take care of it. He wondered if the Shanyaean knew the truth of what happened to the Hestian after she had been taken. He doubted she did. But let her believe her friend was ok.

Let her play right into their hands.

The figure pulled off his hood, shaking out his blue hair. He needed a quick breather before the battle ahead.

It promised to be a memorable one.

***Back with Iris***

The mines were dangerous.

She got that inkling as soon as she stepped inside.

The fae seemed to be on edge. Lazuli jumped at every sound.
Esme startled at every shadow.
Only Ruri seemed unfazed. He led through with iron certainty, seeming to know everything about the cave.

"This way. We art closeth." Ruri turned a corner, this one steeply leading down with crumbling steps.

"This way is not safe. Haps findeth an alt'rnate path?" Esme leaned on her spear worriedly.

"Yond shall taketh too longeth. Ev'ry second counts. The prince could kicketh the bucket at any moment!" Ruri seemed agitated.

"Tis fine...tis fine." Esme lowered her head. She was scared.

Lazuli took her hand and smiled at her. She smiled back a bit.

And so they ventured down.




Iris almost slipped once. But she recovered.

Soon they reached the bottom.

And what they saw scared them all.

The deepest part of the cave was a wide cavern. Full of some green liquid that fizzed and spat out acid like bubbles. A giant purple stalactite hung right over the center of the pool. The pool was ringed by a ledge of purple crystal. 

And tied to this stalactite by his feet, dangling over the pool, and struggling vivaciously, was a young boy about six years old.

His wings were not developed yet. They were papery looking, and the thin skeleton still was able to be seen in places.

This was the young prince.


Esme's voice rang out. She rushed to the edge of the small ledge the group was currently standing on and reached out towards the boy. "My prince! Kyanite!"

The boy looked up. "Finally you're here! I wast getting w'rried!" His manner of speaking was more casual than the fully grown fae, but maybe that was because he was young.

Iris ran forward. "Don't worry. I'll untie him and get him to safety." She prepared to fly.

"I'm afraid I cannot alloweth thee to doth yond, wench."

The voice rang out from behind them. The tree girls turned. Ruri was standing behind them.

And he had his spear pointed right at them.

"What art thee doing? What is the meaning of this?" Lazuli sounded both angry and frightened.

"S'rving mine own mast'r." He replied simply. Then he called in a loud voice. "Mast'r I has't hath brought those folk to thee!"

A calm, cold voice rang from the shadows. "Good job, my servant."

And then a figure stepped from the shadows.

Dressed in a black hoodie.

Iris stepped backwards. Lazuli and Esme readied their spears.

"You..." Iris glared.

Then he took off his hood.

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