Scared to Love You ♥ [Niam/Narry 1D BoyxBoy]

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Niall’s POV

My arms stretched around me trying to shake away all the sleep. I closed my eyes, not ready to get up. I blanked my mind letting it wander. My mind wandered, wandered to the room across the hall. 

Harry's room.

I soft sigh left my lips, how can you have feelings for someone who would never love you back. How can I live with him and not give into the temptation of molding our lips together. Knowing how perfect they would feel pressed against my own. Well, unfortunately for me not actually knowing but imagining and assuming how good it would feel. But who am I kidding, it's me. Who would ever want me? 

Yeah the fans love us all, I can't say it doesn't hurt when some fans say I'm not meant to be here, but then I think of the ones that actually want me to be in the band, and I ignore it, for them. As well as for harry, I ignore it for him too. It's gravity, he's my gravity. He always pulls me in, leaving myself unable to fight the pull. But the problem is I don't want to fight it, I want to be pulled in because if I'm not there near him I feel like I can't breathe. His carbon dioxide is like my oxygen, it may sound stupid but it's true. 

But I have to move on, because he doesn't reciprocate my feelings and knowing that break me more and more every day that passes. So I'm going to do it slow, until my feelings are gone because even if people don't believe it feelings can fade. And I'm going to prove it.

I, Niall James Horan is going to move on, no matter what it takes.

Liam's POV

It was early morning and all the lads were asleep. I had to wake up early; I wanted to do this without anyone questioning me. I breathed in the morning air, feeling the sun waking up alongside the world as it shun against my skin. I felt the heat radiating from the sun and it made me smile. I was making the right choice, I knew I was. This was something I had to do and I wasn't going to back down. 

I stood in front of The Cafe and closed my eyes. Trying to convince myself this was the right thing to do. I nodded to myself and walked in, spotting my curly haired girlfriend right away. 

After taking one deep breath I walked over to the table and tapped Danni’s shoulder. 

Once I saw her smile warmly up at me I was sure, this was right. I was doing the right thing.

"Hey babe!" she said as she sat up from her chair and wrapped her arms around me, nuzzling her face into the crook of my neck. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her. After a few seconds I slowly let her go gesturing for her to sit down. She sat down, not letting her beautiful smile cease for not even a second. I sat across from her and leaned back.

"So Li, why'd you tell me to meet you here this time in the morning?" she said corking her head to the side in curiosity. 

"I wanted to talk with you in private, with no one to ask many questions y'know? Danielle... I love you but I... I think we should break up..." I said letting out a breathe I hadn't noticed I was holding in. I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders but I looked down afraid of her reaction. I didn't want her to be hurt, I truly did love her, I just didn't love her like a girlfriend. I felt like she was my sister. And unless you haven't noticed, screwing your sister is a bit weird. 

I snapped away from my thought when I heard a laugh coming from Danielle, it wasn't a mean laugh or a sad laugh. It was a carefree one?

I curiously lifted my head up scrunching my eyebrows together.

"Huh?" was all my mouth could utter at her expression. She was laughing and smiling... Like a happy person? Da'hell? 

After she has relaxed a bit more so she could speak. 

"Sweetie, I already knew we were breaking up, and I'm good, I don't really feel the same as I did before either. And I want to help you" she said with a actual wink. 

What the actual fuck...

"Excuse me?" I said in disbelief. I felt like this was surreal. 

"Li, I know why your breaking up with me. It's obvious you’re in love with him. I think the only one who hasn't noticed is well, him" she said with a giggle. I think I was just transferred to an alternate universe. This is not true. It’s basically impossible. 

“I don't know what you’re talking about" I said playing dumb.

"You sure as hell do know what I'm talking about. Stop acting stupid Liam, it doesn't exactly suit you" she said while rolling her eyes at me. I sighed knowing fighting her truth was useless. 

"Admit it, you’re in love with him" she said with a smirk and an amused glint in her eyes. Dammit 

"Fine...I'm In love with him.." I said in a barely audible whisper. It took all my willpower to say it. I had barely been able to admit it to myself. Much less say it out loud. 

"Who are you in love with?" she said the glint of amusement more clear now than ever. She wanted me to say it. She wanted me to make it feel real. 

"I'm in love with Niall Horan..." 

Harry POV

I sat there looking at the ceiling; I didn't sleep a wink last night. How would I be able to sleep knowing my best friend was in love with me? He hadn't told me but I knew he was, because I had been watching him pretty closely for the past 2 weeks. I wouldn't say he acted differently with me because of his feeling because he didn't. I think what caused me to start wondering was one night I wasn't able to sleep and I had gone to see if Lou would let me sleep with him that night. I had gone to Lou's room but right when I was about to go in I heard El and Lou talking so I stepped away. I had no Idea Eleanor had come to spend the night. I had gone to the next room, which just happened to be niallers room, so I went in. I was about to get in bed since he was sound asleep but what he said made my heart stop and my eyes go wide. In the middle of his sleep he had said 

"I love you Harry..." and with that I retreated from his room and headed into my own. I had slept with a troubled head that night but managed to sleep. From that night on I had kept a close eye on Niall so I could confirm what I thought was true. All I had gotten from watching him so closely was knowing he had a journal he wrote in every night and he left inside his drawer. Last night I had taken the journal and read it… All night long. 

All of my fears were confirmed last night but I wasn't scared that he was in love with me.

I was scared that I might love him back...

So that was my prologue and I would love some feedback. Should I continue? Tell me :( I need to know if people are gonna actually read it. Anyways this is my first fanfic to be gentle. And also I have no idea who Niall will end up with so i would like to tell you early on that you guys are the ones that are gonna choose what direction it goes. well not decide but influence :) I love you all <3, Ale

PS Vote and Comment <3 even fan but only if you truly want to. <3

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