Nightmare (Violentine) *Version Two*

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(Yeah it's the other version and... I'm sorry)

Clem's POV

Her skin: Greying. Her eyes: Pure white. Her mouth: Covered in their blood. She's gone. Her injuries were too much. She's dead. She's turned. She's killed Ruby and Tenn. They're turning too. But she's all I can see. Her lifeless face. Her monstrous growls. Her jaw snapping at me. Her. The one I could trust. The one who put all her trust in me. The one that I let get taken. The one that I left to defend herself. The one I love. Loved. She's not herself anymore. She's not her anymore. She's not Violet anymore. Just a monster in her shell. But I can't bring myself to pull the trigger. I can't hurt her. I can't hurt the one who risked her life numerous times for me. I can't hurt the one that I love. Loved. She's gone. Just her shell. I stare. She snarls. She tries to bit me but can't reach. I step closer. And closer. And closer. Her jaw snaps around my neck. Teeth sinking into my flesh. I fall to the ground. I see her. The last few seconds of my life. And I see her. As a monster. My breaths shallow out. My vision becomes blurred. Then, darkness. Nothingness. Just a blank wall of shadows, regrets and misery. A flash. I see her. Smiling. Dancing. With me. Nobody around but us. No music. Just us. In our own world. Then, outside the ship. Her. Nervously looking at the boat. Turning to me. Speaking but inaudibly. Then her leaning to me. Kissing me. Like it would be the very last time. Her, pulling away eventually. Smiling. Pride, written on her face. Then, in my room. Her head on my shoulder. Her arms around my waist. A smile on her face. Happiness. Joy. Delight. Relief. Freedom. Finally able to relax for a minute. Flash. Her. Dead. In the cell. A knife in her head. My knife. Eyes open. Lifeless. Terror on her face. An 'X' taped to her shirt over her heart. Abandoned. Forgotten. Alone. Killed. Murdered. Ambushed. The one I love. Loved. Lost.

I wake up with a fright, drenched in my own tears and sweat. It was the dream. The same one I've been having since that day. Since the day she sacrificed herself for me. I sit up and pull my knees to my chest, sobbing into them quietly. My body shakes with each sob as the picture of her, dead, in the cell becomes more vivid. The dream was a mix of my two worse fears. Violet dying and Violet becoming a walker. One of those fears became a truth. She died. And it was all my fault. I let her get taken and then I watched her die. Lilly had taken my knife and was about to kill me when Vi jumped in and saved me. As a result, my knife went straight into her head. Minerva had killed Lilly but it was too late. Violet was dead. The love of my life was dead.

"I'm so sorry Vi"

My room is empty. Well, it's her room but nobody had the heart to deny me to stay in it now. AJ has started staying with Tenn and I sat alone with nothing but reminders of the person I loved with all of my heart. Everything just feels wrong now. Nobody is really talking anymore. Who would have thought that the anti-social Violet could have actually been the glue that kept this group together? I don't think I've even left her room since the funeral.

Only now do I realise that my body is shaking from sobs. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly, repeating it until I'm calm. I wipe my eyes and stand from the bed, making my way to the door. I quietly sneak out to the graveyard and see her grave. Right next to Brody's. They might not have always got along but they were best friends. This is what they would have wanted. I sit on the path in front of Vi's grave and smile weakly.

"Hey Vi. I miss you"

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