I'm Done

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Some hella heavy shit in this so read at your own risk

AJ has disappeared and Violet was the last person to see him. Apparently they got into an argument and he had ran off but now nobody could find him. To make it worse, nobody had told Clementine either. Everyone but Clem was gathered in the courtyard, Violet getting daggers glared at her by them all. Aasim had went to go find Clem and tell her that there was something to be discussed. Once they arrived, Clementine had a suspicion look on her face.

"Clem, we need to tell you something"
"Okay...say it then"
Louis swallowed nervously before explaining.
"AJ has went missing but we can't-"
"It's all Violet's fault, she was the last one to see him!"
Willy interrupted Louis, pointing his finger at Violet, who was looking down at the floor and holding her arm. Clementine took a few seconds to process what she was told before looking at Violet, glaring intensely.
"Violet. Where the fuck is he!"
"I-I don't know Clem, we were talking and things got out of control and he stormed off and didn't come back. I've tried to find him but-"
Violet was cut off by a fist colliding with her stomach. She wheezed in pain, doubling over. Everyone else watched in shock. They hadn't expected Clem to punch her. Clem grabbed the older girl by the collar of her shirt and pulled her close to her, their faces inches apart.
"Where. The. Fuck. Is. He!"
Violet was trembling slightly at this point as Clementine's glare only got scarier as she got angrier. She shoved the blonde backwards before punching her in the stomach again, this time much harder. Violet fell to her knees, winded, before Clementine punched her in the face. Violet fell onto the floor on her back, clutching where the fist made contact. There were tears in her eyes at this point. Clementine got closer to her as Violet tried to back away. Clem cornered her and punched her in the face again. And again. And again.

The other kids looked at one another, wondering if they should stop their friend when a voice yelled out.
"Clem, stop! What are you doing!"
Everyone turned around and there stood AJ. He wore a concerned and slightly scared expression as he stared at his guardian and her victim. Violet was shaking intensely at this point, blood dripping through her hands that were clutching her face. Clem ran over to AJ, checking him for bites.
"AJ where were you!? We were so worried"
"I was in one of the toy closets, there's loads of cool things there. I went to calm down. W-what were you doing to Violet?"
Clem's face dropped at the thought of AJ seeing what she just did. She turned round to look at Violet only to find that she had disappeared, the only thing left being a scarily large puddle of blood and a trail of it that led towards the bell tower.

AJ looked at the blood, then back to Clementine before taking a step backwards, away from her. He looked at her, his face covered in fear.
"Oh shit"
"This isn't good"
The kids started to murmur between themselves, looking at the blood and up at the bell tower.
Clementine looked at the blood before looking at the bell tower too. She had to make things right... if she could

Violet sat at the top of the bell tower, trying to stop her nose from bleeding. She was still shaking and she felt lightheaded from the lose of blood but she didn't blame Clementine. She knew that she should of made sure that AJ was okay but she managed to fuck it up. She always managed to fuck everything up. She looked down from the bell tower, not facing the courtyard but facing the overgrown garden. If she just moved forward slightly then she could fall and then she wouldn't be able to fuck up everyone else's lives. She moved forward until the only thing keeping her from falling was the edge of crumbling rock. She stared down once again. One more move and she would be dead.

Just before she took that move she heard a noise behind her. She turned slowly, finding Clementine standing at the top of the steps. Violet felt her body tense up and she felt like she couldn't breathe. She started to shake again, scampering back from the edge, curling into a ball and getting as far away from the other girl as possible. As Clementine stepped closer, Violet couldn't help but whimper as she waited for more pain.

Clementine heard Violet's whimpers and the feeling of guilt surged inside of her.
"I-I-I'm so-sorry"
Violet had her head hidden behind her knees but Clementine could tell that she was crying.
"Vi, you don't need to be sorry. I should of listened to you"
Clementine's voice was gentle but Violet couldn't trust it.
"I-I fucked up. I al-always fuck up"
"What do you mean?"
"I c-caused Sophie and Mi-Minnie's deaths. I get people hurt. E-everyone would be better if I just wasn't here"
Clementine looked at the other girl, astonished.
"Vi, that's not tru-"
"Yes it is! Everyone hates me so what's the point in pretending. I've already lost anything worth living for so why not!?"
Violet looked up at Clementine, tear stains down her face and her voice weak but determined. Clementine now knew the extent of her injuries. She had a black eye, her nose was still bleeding and her lip was busted. Violet scoffed quietly when Clem didn't answer her.
"See. I have nothing. I- I'm done Clem!"
Violet slowly moved back to the edge, looking down once more. Clementine stood there, trying to understand everything.

"I'm sorry Clementine. I'm sorry that I was such a shitty excuse for a person"
By the time Clementine could think or act, it was too late. Violet had pushed herself from the roof and fell. She hadn't made a noise. Clementine went to the edge and looked down. She couldn't even see Violet but she knew that she was there, somewhere. She felt tears burn in her eyes and she couldn't stop them from falling freely down her face. She had felt guilty for everyone else's deaths but this time it was worse. This time, she knew that she caused it. She knew that it was her fault.

(There's probably loads of mistakes but it's one in the morning and I'm trying to write this on my phone with a sprained thumb so, yeet)

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