Gas Leak

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"Hey, it's Violet. Obviously I'm not here so leave a message or whatever... okay?"

The message tone beeped through Clementine's phone for the third time. To say that she wasn't getting anxious would be a lie. Violet always picked up the phone, especially if it was Clementine calling.

Clem took a deep breath before putting her phone away and focusing on the road. She had just finished work and was going to invite Violet out to their special spot. Getting no reply to her calls made Clem worry. She was caught up in her thoughts and didn't listen to to radio station, which was spluttering out a news report.

"...Gas leak..."

"...One casualty..."

The radio cut off completely, not that Clementine cared. Her car was old and this was a much too common event. The car did it's job though and that's all that was important. She ignored the pings from her phone since she knew it wasn't Violet. She had a different tone for her so she knew when she was getting a message or call from her.

As Clementine drove towards their house, she noticed that the road was blocked off. She scoffed at the inconvenience as she drove by, only to notice fire trucks, police cars and an ambulance. She quickly parked her car on the street in front and walked towards the commotion.

The first thing she noticed was the smoke and rubble of where their house once stood. Now it was the charcoaled remains of her childhood home. The second thing she noticed was Louis and Brody, both crying as they talked to a police officer. The third thing she noticed was a body bag.

Clementine froze. Her mind was swirling as she stared at the body bag. She felt a hand on her shoulder and spun around to see a police officer who looked oddly familiar.

"Clementine Everett?"

"Y-Yeah, that's me"

"You're Violet's wife, right?"


"I'm sorry but-"

Clementine felt her head start to spin again. She could barely hear the words that the officer was saying but she understood what he was trying to tell her. Violet was in that body bag.

The officer left, keeping an eye on her from a distance to make sure that she was alright. Louis and Brody made their way over to her, both still crying.

"H-hey Clemster"

Louis' voice was broken. He gave a faint smile before it faded quickly. He wrapped his arms around Clem, Brody following his actions, and the trio was now wrapped in a sobbing hug. Clem held onto them both tightly, her body shaking with sobs. She couldn't believe it.


Her wife,

Her world,

Her soulmate,

Was gone...

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