7 Years Along

247 15 2

"Truth Or Dare!"

Louis' voice yelled out to the group, startling them after such silence. He placed his cards down on the remains of a table and gave the group a mischievous smirk.

"Fine, do your worst Lou"

Marlon murmured at the boy before picking up a card and handing the deck around the group. Each player took a card and showed the others their number. Louis, of course, got the highest and Violet got the lowest.

"Okay, dare. Look at me"

"That's your dare?"


Violet sighed before turning her head towards the boy's voice. She could faintly make out the smirk on his face.

"Okay, just because I'm blind in one eye does not mean that I can't see at all dipshit"

"Shh, let me have my fun!"

She shook her head and scowled at him, earning snickers from the group. Clementine took her hand and squeezed it gently and Violet's scowl turned into a small smile in the matter of a second. Clementine rolled her eyes slightly at her girlfriend before taking a new card and handing the deck to Brody. This time, Violet got the high card and Louis, the low.

"Hmm. I dare you to hold up all ten fingers"


"What? He started this!"

The group laughed at their childish banter, apart from Louis who was glaring at Vi. She tilted her head at him and gave a sickly sweet smile which had mayhem written all over it. His glare intensified and she chuckled at him. He rolled his eyes before taking a fresh card. He smirked, knowingly before turning to Clementine, who had the low card.

"Clem. Truth. Have you and Vi fucked yet?"

Clementine choked on her water and Violet stared at him, her jaw hanging. Both of their faces quickly turned bright red and Louis wheezed at them. The group were in hysterics at the question and from the two girls reactions, it seemed that the answer was obvious. But Louis wouldn't let them get away without having heard it from one of the two.

"Yes or no?"

"I am not answering that"

"Would you rather forfeit?"

"What's the forfeit then?"

"Well, you would have to go and make sure that the answer was yes if you get what I mean"

Clementine stared at him blankly for a second before realising what he meant, her face becoming a deeper shade of red. Violet had pulled her hood up and had her face completely hidden, hiding behind her knees.

"I wouldn't mind the forfeit"

"What was that, Clem?"


Louis gave the girl a knowing smirk. Clementine glared at him and if looks could kill then Louis would be a fucking corpse.

"Either say it or do it"

"Fine. We have, now respectfully fuck off"

Violet curled herself into an even smaller bundle as if she was trying to shrink herself away from the embarrassment. But if anyone knew Louis, then they knew that he would never let that happen. He turned his attention away from the brunette, now focusing on the blonde.

"Oh Viii"

"Fuck off!"

"Aww come on! Just because you're used to getting off alone doesn't mea-"

Before Louis could finish his sentence, Violet had leapt off of her seat and jumped on him. She punched him in the stomach and held her hand tightly over his mouth.

"Shut your bitch-ass up, you asshole fucking dickhead shit-stick bitch!"

The group was practically crying at this point, this time including Clementine. Louis wheezed in pain from the punch and Violet was the deepest shade of red possible. She clambered off of the boy and sat as far away from the group as she possibly could. She crossed her arms and hid in her hoodie again.

"Okay... that's a good place to call it for tonight. I'm gonna go puke now"

Louis muttered before walking away to the dorms, clutching his stomach. Aasim went after him to make sure that he was okay. Everyone else slowly departed, going off to the dorms for well-needed sleep. Soon, it was only Violet and Clementine left. Violet still kept herself hidden in her hoodie until Clem walked over and sat beside her. Clem slowly pulled the hood down and Violet turned to look at her, pouting slightly.

"Louis is an asshole"

"I know"

They both chuckled slightly. Clem gave the other girl a small smile before gently cupping her face and pulling her into a soft kiss. It was returned as Violet put her hand on the back of Clementine's neck, holding her closer. They pulled away slightly as Clem rested their foreheads together, gently pressing her nose against Violets.

"You're a dork"

"No I'm not!"

"Hmm okay"

"You're the worst. But also the cutest"

Violet felt herself blush at the compliment. She pouted at Clem, earning a soft giggle. 

"God, you're adorable"

"Clem, stop it"

"Why should I?"




Clem grinned at her girlfriend. She had fallen hard for her back when they had first met. She had defended Clem and AJ no matter what, even when it put her own life at risk. Clementine could never forget how Violet had charged in front of her to protect her from the tear gas that the raiders had thrown at her during their rescue mission. Violet had grabbed the gas bomb and threw it back at the raiders but it had been a second too late and had started to set off, blinding her in the right eye. Clem was haunted by her screams of pain. What made it worse was that nobody could do anything to help her. They managed to defeat the raiders but by that time, Vi had passed out from the pain. Mitch had carried her back to the school and everyone else helped the three who had been taken, making sure that their injuries were tenable. Fortunately, the injuries were minor, the biggest being that Louis had his pinky finger cut off. Once they were back at the school, Ruby tended to Vi by trying to wash the remains of the gas out of her eye. It was a good thing that she was unconscious because that would have hurt even more. By the time she woke up, most of the pain had eased. Clem blamed herself for everything but Violet told her that it wasn't her fault. Clem made a vow to protect Violet from that day forward.

She looked at Violet, her eyes full of love which was returned as best as it could be. 

"I love you. So much"


"I am not a dork!"

"Sounds like something a dork would say"

"Wow rude"

"I love you too"

Violet smiled softly at her before slowly standing up and holding a hand out for Clem. She accepted and lifted herself up but kept their hands together, interwinding their fingers. They started to walk to the dorms since they were the last ones awake apart from Mitch who was on lookout duty. He was probably asleep anyway. The two girls make their way to their dorm room, entering then locking the door. They remove their outwear gear and climb into the bed together. Violet rests her head on Clementine's chest, listening to her heartbeat.

"I love you"

"I love you too Vi"

They both start to drift to sleep until Clementine's voice fills the silence and Violet can picture the cocky, joking grin on her face

"I wouldn't mind that forfeit now"


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