chapter 2

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Song: Shelley Fabares - Johnny Angel

I slipped out onto the porch as all the boys were hooting and hollering over the secret Douglas had given away.

I sat down on the porch, trying to distract myself from the embarrassment sitting in the pit of my stomach.

I pulled my book out of the waistband of my shorts and decided to pick up where I left off.

I opened the book and flipped through the pages, finding the page I had dog-eared and picked up reading where I had left off.

I managed to get lost in the book and was genuinely distracted for a solid ten minutes when someone sat down next to me.

I bent the top corner of the page I was reading down and shut the book, looking up to see who was sitting next to me.

I came face to face with Johnny and my eyes widened.

"O-oh, hey Johnny." I felt my face heat up and my eyes travelled back down to the closed book in my lap as I nervously tucked my hair behind my ear.

"I meant to follow you out here sooner. The gang just had to hold me up by teasing me. No surprise." He chuckled. I glanced over at him momentarily and smiled a bit.

"Listen, about what they said back there..." I trailed off, unsure of what to say.

"Was it true?" He asked suddenly, cutting me off and looking me in the eyes now. I looked up at him and bit my lip, unsure of how to answer.

"Johnny, I... I guess I've liked you for a while now." I admitted, averting gaze uncomfortably.

"You don't gotta be embarrassed." His hand softly brushed mine for a moment and tingles shot through my spine.

"I know you don't feel the same or anything. It's just a crush, I'll get over it-"

Johnny's fingers gently and hesitantly interlocked with mine. My heart was beating out of control and I immediately looked up at Johnny.

"I don't want you to feel like you have to do this out of pity or somethin." I bit my lip nervously and his eyes glanced down at my lips momentarily and he looked back into my eyes.

"I'm not doing anything out of pity. Guess that's something we have in common, we don't want pity." He gave me a reassuring smile and I looked down at my lap again, smiling shyly.

"You actually like me?" I asked nervously. "I don't mean to put you on the spot or anything-"

I almost began rambling nervously but he cut me off and squeezed my hand gently.

"Yeah, I do."

We stayed silent now, both of us nervously fidgeting.

"Why do you call me Johnny Angel?" The boy next to me suddenly asked and I looked at him. I simply shrugged.

"After the song, haven't you heard it before?"

"I don't thinks so." He answered, smiling. I giggled, shrugging.

"Oh, well anyways I heard the song and it made me think about you. Probably because your name is in the song a million times." I lied. The real reason it made me think of him was mostly because it was a love song. A song about getting butterflies every time this certain boy walks by you, how you really like him.

"Oh, cool. You'll have to show me that song sometime."

I smiled bashfully, nodding.

We held eye contact, both of us tense but still not wanting to look away.

"Could I maybe kiss you?" Johnny asked and I felt my face heat up. Was this real? Was this actually happening?

I opened my mouth but it took a moment before I could properly form words. I mean, could you blame me?

"U-uh sure. I have to warn you though, I've never kissed anyone before." I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck. I was kind of embarrassed to admit it, but I was still younger. While most girls in my grade were gushing over boys and the gossip of who was dating who, it just never crossed my mind much. The only boys I thought about was the gang and the only gossip that interested me was drama involving the gang.

"It's fine. I haven't ever kissed a girl." He stumbled over his words, seeming a bit flustered. I smiled.

"Well, it's comforting to know I'm not the only one new with this. It's fine though, we can try something new together, right?"

Johnny nodded, a relieved smile crossing his face. "Right."

We slowly leaned in, both of us nervous. His breath hit my lips and right before our lips touched I jumped back, giggling nervously.

"Sorry, I'm just a bit nervous." I anxiously tugged at one of the flannel sleeves wrapped around my waist. Johnny awkwardly fiddled with his sleeve as well.

"If you don't wanna kiss me it's alright. I get it," He spoke quietly. I quickly looked up at him, guilt washing over me.

"No, that's not what I meant! I do want to kiss you. I'm just nervous that I'll scare you off since I suck at all this romantic crap," I explained and Johnny laughed softly.

"You don't gotta worry about it. I suck at it too," He assured me.

"Do you wanna try again?" I asked. Johnny nodded, smiling a bit.

We started leaning in ever so slowly, both of our eyes falling shut. I could tell that are lips were close now.

Right before our lips were about to touch, he stopped. I opened my eyes slightly, looking at Johnny.

"You sure you're okay with this?" He asked, wanting to be sure.

"Yeah." I breathed, wanting to close the gap.

He delicately pressed his lips against mine and my eyes closed completely. We were uncomfortably stiff at first, both of us slightly parting for a moment, leaving our foreheads together as we tried to figure out how to act normal whole kissing.

"Sorry," We both said at the same time. I giggled and he laughed a bit as well.

Johnny's hand caressed the side of my face and we brought our lips together once more. We began to get more comfortable and loosen up as the kiss went on.

Before things could go any further, somebody cleared their throat behind us. Johnny and I quickly jumped apart and both looked behind us to see Ponyboy.

"Well, took you two long enough." He was smirking and I felt my face go red.

"How long were you standing there?" Johnny asked. Ponyboy giggled to himself.

"Long enough," He had a sly smile on his face. I glared at him.

"Oh God," I muttered, running a hand through my hair.

"So should I let you guys go back to sucking on each other's faces or..." He trailed off. I wasn't surprised that he was trying to mess with me about this. I was just surprised that it was working. I scoffed at him.

"Shut up, Ponyboy!" I exclaimed, throwing my book at him as he ran into the house laughing.

I sighed, standing up and grabbing my book again. I set it next to me, smiling to myself.

Even if Ponyboy was my best friend, he could sure be a handful.

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