chapter 6

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(We're gonna pretend this is Evie because Evie is a badass bitch)

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(We're gonna pretend this is Evie because Evie is a badass bitch)

Song: The Beatles - Twist and Shout


"Jesus, Two-bit!" I squealed in surprise as Two-bit spun me. At this point everyone was dancing, occasionally switching partners.

I could barely keep up, but I was having a great time laughing and dancing with everyone.

"Switch time!" Two-bit exclaimed, sending me off in the direction of Dallas. Dallas caught me in his arms and we began dancing again.

"I never thought the Dallas Winston could dance!" I teased and he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever kid, get outta here." He carelessly shoved me into Johnny. Johnny's arms locked around me as I laughed, yelling at Dallas.

"Wow, that's real charming!" I said sarcastically. Dallas was holding Sylvia and flipped me off behind her back. I laughed louder, returning the gesture.

The song ended and next was 'Since I Don't Have You' by The Skyliners.

I turned back to Johnny, smiling.

"Sorry about that." I said sheepishly and he kept his arms around my waist, laughing.

"It's alright." He assured me as I put my hands on his shoulders. We slowly started dancing again.

It was peaceful, it felt like it was just us left in the world. He had become far more comfortable with me.

I made eye contact with Ponyboy sitting in the grass across the lawn. I smiled at him, pointing over dramatically at Johnny who didn't see me pointing behind his back.

Ponyboy laughed, shaking his head at me. He rested his elbow on his knee, propping his chin up on his hand. An amused smirk stayed on his lips.

I was slowly turned so I was no longer looking at Ponyboy. I looked back up into Johnny's eyes.

He pecked my lips and pulled away, playfully smiling.

I giggled, leaning my head against his chest as I linked my arms around his neck. I felt his chest vibrate from him chuckling and he pulled my waist closer to him so we were closer to each other while we danced.

~ponyboy's p.o.v~

I watched across the yard as Johnny and Connie danced together, holding each other close. They really seemed to dig each other.

If I'm being honest, I had never expected them to end up together, but I understood it now. They seemed to go well together. They were both real sweet.

I was friends with Johnny, but I had never had much one on one time with him and we never talked a lot. He was kind, but he was pretty quiet. He didn't feel the need to say much.

It felt weird seeing them together. I wasn't jealous, I had never seen Connie in a romantic way. It was just odd I suppose.

Once the song was over 'Twist and Shout' by The Beatles came on and everyone cleared the floor besides Connie, Two-bit, Steve, and Evie.

"Oh, yeah!" Two-bit exclaimed, clearly satisfied with the song playing. Connie laughed in delight, letting her body be taken over by the music.

I admired her confidence. She could dance like no one was watching. She felt comfortable around us, that much was clear.

Two-bit grabbed her hand, spinning her as they both laughed. Her and Two-bit had always messed around. They could make any situation without even trying.

Steve and Evie danced together as well, laughing and swaying in a similar way to Connie and Two-bit. They switched off so Steve was dancing with Connie and Evie with Two-bit.

Connie and Evie were soon dancing together, singing the lyrics loudly. Out of all of the girls that any of the gang members ever dated, Connie seemed to be drawn to Evie the most.

I couldn't blame her. She was wild and unpredictable just like Steve. No wonder Steve and her worked so well together.

Douglas laughed, clapping his hands to the song. Sodapop was sitting next to him, grinning.

Slowly, everyone started clapping along to the song while laughing and cheering. Everyone was encouraging the four people dancing to continue.

Connie's face was red from laughing while she twirled carelessly. Two-bit had thrown his jacket to the side somewhere and he was smiling at the sight in front of him.

I took in the moment, listening closely to the laughter and cheering of everyone around me. I watched my friends dance without a care in the world under the setting sun, and I knew that this would be a night that I'd look back on.

The song eventually ended and everyone applauded the people who danced, letting out whistles and yells of approval. Two-bit and Connie jokingly bowed.

Connie hurried over to me, a huge smile on her features. She clapped her hands down on my shoulders, giggling.

"You did great out there, you're a natural!" I joked, grabbing her forearms as she became unsteady from giggling so hard.

"Yeah? You should've joined me, you would've loved it."

"I think I've done enough dancing for one night."

She rolled her eyes at that statement. "You can never do too much dancing."

"Sounds like the type of mindset you'd have."

"I'm just gonna enjoy this summer break as much as I can, and that may include a little dancing here and there." She smirked and I laughed now.

"Well, maybe we can dance together another time."

"You promise?" She gave me a serious look and I let go of her arms, leaning back and holding myself up with my hands.

"Yeah, sure."

"Pinky promise me so I know you're serious." She held up her pinky. It was something we had done since we were little. Maybe it was dumb, but we had always pinky promised each other things when we wanted to make sure someone stayed true to their word. It had become habit for us over the years.

I scoffed. "What, you don't believe me?"

"I just want to make it official."

"Fine." I locked pinkies with her and she grinned.

"Hey Ponyboy?"


"I bet one day we'll look back and consider these the good old days."

I smiled and nodded, but I didn't say anything. I don't think I had to.

Deep down, I think we both knew that she was right. These were our wonder years and we had managed to notice this before they flew by and we became adults.

We had managed to appreciate our golden days before we left them behind.

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