chapter 7

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Song: Paul Anka - Put Your Head On My Shoulder

"You really seem to like Johnny, I never thought you two would end up together." Evie's familiar voice took me away from the daze I had been in.

I was sitting in the grass sipping a soda bottle and Evie stood next to me, looking out into the yard at the sky instead of at me. She had a beer can in hand.

"Not many people expected us to end up together. I guess sometimes the best things are unexpected." I shrugged. I suddenly felt embarrassed. Did people think Johnny and I weren't good for each other.

Evie seemed to read my mind because she giggled softly to herself.

"Don't worry kid, you two look nice together. You two are real cute."

"I guess no one thought we'd end up together. We're not completely alike, so it wasn't obvious that we liked each other. Unlike you and Steve, you guys are so similar. It was inevitable that you two would end up being a couple."

"Yeah, but I don't think you know that whole story." She now took a seat in the grass next to me. I turned so I was sitting facing her.

"What's the story?"

"Well, before I had known Steve and the rest of you guys, I had this group of friends. They were all these greaser girls who only cared about makeup and boys. The stereotypical teenage girls, right?"

I nodded, urging her to continue.

"Well, they spent most of their time chasing after boys like Dally and Soda. They only wanted people for their looks and reputation, they never cared about personality." She continued, running her finger across the top of her can.

"Anyways, I had met Steve. I thought he was a real sweet guy. I really digged his confidence and smarts. The girls were proud that I had caught the attention of Sodapop's best friend, thought I was gonna use the guy or somethin. You shoulda seen the look on their faces when they found out I could care less about dating Sodapop! They had a fit!" She laughed as she recalled it and I couldn't help but crack a smile.

"In that moment I decided that I was sick of being with such a shallow group of people. I just ditched em, asked Steve out, and here I am. I've been dating Steve for a while and I met his friends. I've never been happier around a group of people."

"Wow, Evie. I had no idea. You're tougher than I thought!" I joked. She giggled, shrugging.

"I've heard the stories of the other girls here and I definitely can't say that they're that interesting. Sylvia and Dally met at Buck's, Soda and Sandy met before Soda dropped out. There wasn't really any leap of faith for them like you."

"Not everyone has some leap of faith story when it came to finding someone they love. Some people got luckier than others. I'm glad I had to make that leap and cut off the people I used to know, though. If I hadn't had to do that, I wouldn't be who I am today and I definitely wouldn't be as happy."

I looked out at Johnny who was talking with Dallas, occasionally laughing. He had a smile on his face and I couldn't help but smile a bit at the sight. He deserved to be content with his life, he deserved so much more than he was given.

"You love him, don't you?"

I looked at Evie again, surprised.

"I-I don't know about that. I'm only fourteen, I'm a little young to know about-"

"Young or not, the way you look at him says it all. You really care about the guy."

Before our conversation could continue Johnny turned and looked at me, smiling. He waved at me, signalling for me to come over.

"Sorry, I'll talk to you later!" I waved to Evie, standing up. Evie smiled.

"Go get your boy, Connie!" She called after me as I jogged over to Johnny, grinning.

"Hey!" I greeted him, standing next to him now as Dallas looked at us, a smirk on his face. Johnny's arm wrapped around my shoulders.

"So you two really dig each other, huh?" Dallas shoved his hands into his back pockets and I looked over at Johnny, who was also smiling.

"Yeah... I really like her." He looked at me now and I nodded, still grinning.

"I've had enough of you love birds. I'm gonna find Sylvia." He left without another word and I laughed, leaning my head against Johnny's shoulder. He pecked the top of my head, leaving me to feel content.

I think I could fall in love with Johnny.

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