chapter 12

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Song: Moon River by Audrey Hepburn

"So how are you holding up, Con?"

I had been caught up in my thoughts, getting used to the peacefulness of just sitting on my roof with Ponyboy in silence. We didn't always need to talk. The presence of each other was enough.

I looked away from the night sky, humming in response absentmindedly since I hadn't been paying attention. Ponyboy chuckled softly when he noticed that I had been in my own little world, not taking his eyes off of what he was doing. He had a marker and was doodling on my cast, a new habit he had gained whenever we were together and he had nothing better to do. Everybody in the gang had signed my cast except for Johnny since I guess we weren't really on speaking terms anymore but Ponyboy had turned my cast into some sort of art project.

"Eh. Doing alright. How's your art project going?" I teased, ruffling his hair a bit as he doodled. He scrunched his face up a bit in annoyance when I did that and lazily swatted my hand away, seeming very focused on the task at hand.

"Ay, don't disturb an artist at work." He said and I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"My apologies, please continue." I murmured, a big smile on my face as I watched the sharpie move on my cast for a bit before looking away again.

"In all seriousness though, what's been going on with you and Johnny lately?" He asks, deciding to take a break as he caps the marker and looks up at me.

I sighed and shrugged. "Nothing's going on. That's kinda the problem. Ever since the incident we just... Stopped. I mean everything just came to a halt. The kissing, the flirting, the smiling, I mean even the talking! He doesn't even look at me anymore. A-and I'm not mad at him but it just hurts. It hurts knowing that he's hurt and it hurts that we don't even talk anymore. And I've tried, I really have, but he just won't let me get through to him." I ranted, my voice shaking a bit and my face heating up in embarrassment since I felt like crying. "I feel like such a baby." I muttered, hiding my face against my knees.

"Oh, Connie."

Ponyboy pulled me into a secure hug and I let myself lean into his side, feeling the tears start the moment that he sympathized with me. I gripped his shirt with my one hand and ended up full on sobbing against his shoulder, his grip only tightening on me. "I just- I feel so bad, Pony." I managed to say. I could never bring myself to be angry at Johnny for suddenly shutting me out. He had shut everybody out. He was hurt and scared. All I wanted was for him to be happy. That's all I want for any of the guys.

"Shh, I've got you, Con. I'm here." Ponyboy mumbled into my hair and he rubbed my back reassuringly.

After years of knowing each other, we really had gotten good at this part. After countless times breaking down in front of each other, we learned exactly what to do and say to calm the other person down. In my case, secure hugs and knowing that Ponyboy was there for me and that he wasn't going anywhere was what kept me grounded. I mean I've gotta give him credit, he even knows the exact way to hug me and rub my back that makes me instantly calm down.

I slowly relaxed in his arms and my sobs died down, letting my grip on his shirt loosen a bit as I became tired from being emotional. Everything had felt so confusing lately.

"M' sorry you have to deal with me like this." I said quietly, having gained the habit of apologizing every time I cried in front of Ponyboy.

And every time he said the same thing.

"Don't be sorry. That's what I'm here for." He still didn't let go of me and I had my eyes closed, melting into the feeling of comfort. Ponyboy's voice, arms, and even his scent was so comforting and secure. It was so familiar and makes everything feel okay for a bit. Hugging him felt like home.

He was home.

The safety of it all started to make me feel drowsy and Ponyboy must've been able to tell because he lightly pat my back. "Let's get you inside. You need some rest."

"Mm." I sleepily hummed in response and he chuckled, unfortunately pulling away. He crawled back inside the house through the open window and I followed, both of us inside my room now. I decided to leave the window open since it was a hot summer night.

I made my way over to my bed and collapsed into it, yawning as I got comfortable and closed my eyes. I heard Ponyboy's footsteps get closer and he only pulled my sheet over me, remembering that despite the heat I always liked having some sort of cover over me. He tucked me in and I softly smiled, my eyes remaining closed.

He chuckled at that and ruffled my hair, causing me to open my eyes a bit. "Sweet dreams, Con. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Wait, stay." I whined a bit, playfully pouting. "It's late, I don't want you walking home alone. Plus you think my bed is more comfortable, remember? You told me so!" I tried to convince him and he put his hands up in defense, smiling as he walked to the other side of the bed.

"Alright alright, I'll stay since you obviously can't live without me." He teased as he settled down in bed next to me. We were facing each other in the dark and I smiled a bit. He smiled back.

"Think you're gonna be able to sleep?" I asked him softly.

"Don't worry about me." He mumbles and I frowned.

"What do you mean? Of course I'm gonna worry about you. It's my jo-"

"Your job right now is to get some rest. You need it." He interrupted me, smiling even more.

"I'll probably end up having weird dreams and waking up anyways! Besides, if anything I want you to get rest-" I was unable to finish because he cut me off once again.

"Hey, what did I say huh? No more worrying about others for now. Let someone else worry about you for once. And hey, if you wake up from your dreams I'll be right here." He assured me.

I opened my mouth to speak but he pressed his finger against my lips and laughed softly. "No arguing."

I huffed but ended up smiling. "Fine. You win this one." I finally gave in. I closed my eyes again when he pulled his finger away and yawned once more, feeling exhausted even though I didn't want to admit it. "Goodnight, Ponyboy."

"Goodnight, Connie."


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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