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Jimin's Pov

When we went to go look for Yoongi Changbin went into labor so we had to go back. I made sure everyone but the midwife and Felix was out of the house. The pack leader and their mate need to be at every birth of a pack members to form a closer bond. Yoongi isn't here. We need him here. Suddenly the door swings open.

Yoongi's Pov

I start sprinting to the Packhouse as soon as my wolf told me Changbin was in labor. Woozi sees me and starts to catch me up on what happened.

"He was having contractions before you left but after you left they got worse. He started pushing 5 minutes ago." I thanked Woozi then ran inside the house but heard screams as soon as he entered. I followed them to the nursery next to the couples room. There Changbin was on his bed and Felix right in front of him trying to deliver their pup. He would growl continuously at the midwife every time she moved to try and help. 

"Felix, please get her out of me! It hurts!" Changbin sobbed. ( I forgot to mention it's a girl :3)

Jimin sees me and walks closer. He hugs me whispering in my ear that he is sorry. I scoffed and tried to push him away. Emphasis on tried.

" Felix please hurry!" Changbin screamed.

"I know love. I'm sorry. You're doing fantastic baby just keep pushing," Felix says but right when the midwife moved Felix's eyes turned red,

"Move another inch again and I'll rip your throat out and tear you to shreds until you're just a smear on the wall!" to Jimin his tone might have been normal bu to the 3 omegas it was terrifying. Jimin noticed this and hugged me tighter his smell calming me. If I wasn't scared I would have kicked him by now.

"Why is Felix being so aggressive?" Jimin asked.

" He thinks the midwife is hurting his child and mate. The pack where we came from was really aggressive so if another wolf touched your mate, your mate and you would die. "

"Yoongi" Changbin smiled. Felix looked relieved that I was here as I walked up to Changbin.  Now that he knows I'm here supporting both of them Felix turns his attention back on his husband trying to bring their baby girl into the world. 

Changbin grabbed arm crushing it screaming "Why does this f**king hurt!" everyone could hear the crack and the midwife was about to help me but she remembered Felix's threat. I made no expression when it happened to make sure not to cause to much worry even though I really wanted to scream whimper and cry in pain. 

Felix kisses Changbins knee, "Come on love, just give me one more push and our little girl will be here!" Changbin nods, baring down and pushing hard. As his head tilted back and screamed he stop when he heard a little cry filling the room.

Felix held her close breathing in her scent. His eyes flashed red.

"She's an alpha!" Felix cheered.

The midwife looked at me in urgency.

"Felix give her to the midwife we need to make sure she's completely healthy." Felix was extremely hesitant but cut the cord and let the midwife do her job. Felix moves over to Changbin and cups his head pressing kisses all over his head and face, "I love you *kiss* I love you!" Changbin giggles still crying.

The midwife hands her to me.

"She looks just like her father!" I chuckled. I kissed her head and her eyes flashed red then purple sealing the pack mark into her. 

" She's now officially part of the Blood Rose pack!" we all cheered. 

" We have decided to name her Jisoo!" Changbin announced.

"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl! Congratulations guys!"

I let everyone into the house but they are on strict orders not to come near the new family until Felix is comfortable with another wolves presence.

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