•Chapter 6•

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We got to kaleb's house and up to his room.
"So, are you gonna tell me what happened? You've been quiet the whole ride here and it's starting to worry me."
I didn't know how to just up and tell him.
"Kaleb, I don't know how to say it. It's all too sudden and literally made me and my mom separate in under 2 minutes. Fucking 2 years without dad and living with mom trying to make things better just to end in me leaving. "
He started to get a small hint at what might be going on. But I wasnt sure.
"Well.. what happened.. whatever it was I won't judge you or say that you were in the wrong for getting mad at her because you have every righr to be for whatever it is."
I started to hesitate and break down.
"I kind of figured this out the other night.. at Ryan's party. I have been all my life, different and i didn't even think it wasnt normal. I would date girls and it never worked out and i never knew if it was just me or how people treat me. But.. I've come to the conclusion that.. " I started to cry again. "..th- hmm.. that I'm gay.."
Kaleb looked shocked for a moment and then walked to the bed and sat down. He put his arm around my shoulder and comforted me saying it was okay and that nothing was wrong with me. "Dude. I've known you for a long time. Since we were kids, you're my best fucking friend. I would never just give that up because of your preferences.. dont be sad. I might be straight but that doesn't mean I can't talk to someone and be best friends with someone who's gay. That'd be fucked up if I just left because of that. And whatever your mom did to make you leave. That's not right either. Bro, you gotta go back there, get your shit, and we'll come back here. You can stay wherever in the house you want, and I'm not gonna tell my parents why. I'll just say you and your mom fought and you need some time alone..or I'll just make something up." I wiped my tears away and sat up right to look at the floor in silence. "Thanks... It's still just.  Scary and upsetting. " 

"No no no don't get me wrong. I know how scary that stuff is. People on YouTube videos can't even come out without crying. I could never imagine doing that in person to someone. That's very brave of you and I'm happy you're figure yourself out instead of keeping it all in. And like I said a while back. I need to give you my approval on anyone at all that you date. Hahaha no matter the gender."
I laughed in awkward stupidity and said
"Yeah, haha. I guess so. And same for you."

At night

I sat down on the couch in the living room and grabbed my phone to check it. 16 missed calls from my mom. And a text from Ryan.

"Hey, it's Ryan. I stopped at your house again today to see if you wanted to hangout but your mom answered crying and gave me your number saying to talk to you for her.  Idk what happened but I hope you're alright. Text me back."

I couldn't help but wonder why he wanted to hang out again so soon after already seeing him today.  But I didn't want to not see what was up.

"Hey, I'm sorry about that. Me and my mom got into a fight and i left home for a while. I'm gonna need to stay at friends houses for a while because I don't even think i can look at her for another month."  I replied.

A few minutes later I get another text back.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. I can try to see if you could come to my place sometimes too if you want. Id rather know you're okay then hear from people that your struggling."

"Can I just ask again.. why are you so nice? Is there something about me that makes you nice to me. At school you're quiet and never talk to anyone. Then a day later you're throwing a party and being nicer to me then I've ever seen you to anyone in my life."

It said that he saw the message and read it at 7:55pm. It's now 8:40pm.
"Its been an hour. I hope I didn't say anything wrong." I thought to myself, hoping he was gonna text me back. I checked my phone every so often to see if I got a message.

9:32, nothing.

10:18, still nothing

11:24, nope

12:58, ugggh

1:26, what the hell oh my God just text me already.

The hours went by slower than a tired tortoise keeping me awake with the thoughts of when hell text me back Pounding my head till I was dizzy from a headache.

I eventually just.. fell asleep

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