•| Chapter 14 |•

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Ryan was holding me close, almost touching noses. "You nervous?" He said to me quietly.

"No, I'm not." I said back hesitantly because I actually was, nervous. I've never been in this situation before.

He leaned in even more and kissed me, I was stunned. He came back and looked at me in the eyes then said. "Well, I hope that was okay."

"Hope, it was okay.... It's okay, it's okay.. shh. It's okay, it's going to be just fine. You're okay. "

My mind got swarmed with PTSD and i didn't know why.

Monday April 12th, 2016
2:42 pm.

I was with my dad in the car, he just picked me up from school after he got off work at the sheriffs office, he was telling me about how a man got let out of jail today. The man who was let out, got put in, by my father. Charged with assault and child endangerment. The same man he let out was walking down the street towards our house. I didn't realize it until.


A gunshot went off the second my dad stepped out of the car. My ears were ringing and my vision went blurry, the glass of the car was shattered and blood all over the place. I couldn't see my dad. I looked on my side of the window and the man was running away as fast as he could. I got out of the car and stumbled to my feet from my fear and anxiety. "S-STOP!!!"
I yelled out to the man and tried to run. I thought about my father and turned around. I made my way to the side of the car to see a huge puddle of blood and my dad choking on a bullet.
"OH MY GOD!!" I screamed, falling to my knees to hold my dad. "Ooh no, oh no no, it's okay. It's gonna be okay I promise, you're okay you're gonna be just fine. Sshh, ssh, it's okay." I said to my father as I held his head up near my chest. I was covered in blood.

I had to scream for help since I didn't have a phone at the time. And my dad's was next to him, also shattered and water logged with blood. He was still breathing. And trying to talk. "I'm gonna go get mom, I'll be right back I'm gonna go get mom." I got up and ran inside "MOM! WHERE ARE YOU WE NEED YOU OUTSIDE RIGHT NOW!" I ran through the house trying to find my mom. "MOM!!!" I yelled more and more as I started to sob. "What!? What is it!?" She said back after walking out of the bathroom. "Something happened to dad, he got shot he's dying he needs help call 911 right now he's still breathing he can make it just call 911!" I went back outside to get my dad...

He was still, stone cold...


I walked up to him and held him up again. "Dad, police are on their way, you're gonna be just fine. It's gonna be o... Dad... Dad?..." I shook his arm. "Dad?..... DAD!???! Wake up! Dad please!! Wake up this isn't funny it's not a joke you're okay! Wake u-h-up dad!" I started to cry uncontrollably while trying to wake him up.
My mother walked outside. "Oh no, Richard! Alex move away!" She pushed me away and off my dad and fell to the ground. Neighbors were standing around us asking questions and crying about what happened. The police showed up and examined his body like it was an object and not my dad, a person. They tried to take the body away but I grabbed the stretcher with my dad on it in a body bag. "Where are you taking him? Why are you leaving you can't take my dad away from me he's my dad you can't do that!" The police felt disturbed and very sad. "listen, alex, I have to take your father's body back to the morgue. We are gonna do an autopsy and find out who killed your father. We have to take him, we can't leave his body on the street either." The police officer said to me while wiping tears off her face. "He was my boss, this isn't gonna be an easy job for me. Just as much as it isn't gonna be easy for you. I'm sorry, I'm gonna bring justice to whoever did this to your father."

"Okay..." they took the stretcher and put in in the back of the hospital truck. And drove away.
My mom was crying the entire time. I went mute for a good 10 hours after seeing and holding my dad like that. We had a funeral the next week and I was silent through all of that too. They had a closed casket. They found the man who murdered my father and sentenced him to death by electrocution. The house was never the same after that....

Present day.

I pushed Ryan off of me and sat down really fast and started to cry. "Woah, hey! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that, did I make you upset?" Ryan asked as he hugged me, "no, it's okay." I said back and held him even tighter. "Just, stuff..."
"Like what kind of stuff?"

"...my dad..."

Toxic Kisses, Broken BlessinsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon