•| Chapter 12 |•

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The court wanted to see me today, it's been almost a week since my mother called the police.

"Alex McCrow, you are standing here today to defend against your mother's actions from abuse, to child endangerment, is that correct." My lawyer said to me as I sat at the foot of the judge.


"And you must pledge to me that you will speak the truth and nothing but the truth, and anything you say can and will be used against you."


"So, Have you had any experiences in the past like this with your mother?" She said as she walked around my table in a semicircle

"No I have not."

"So, tell me, why do you think she would do this sort of thing to you?"

I started to get nausceous and felt an anxiety attack starting up. Ryan was in the crowd amongst the people defending me and or my mother.

"I, I don't know. She's never been this way until I came out to her. She told me I was a disgrace and that my father wouldn't be proud."

The lawyer and judge both got suspicious.

"Why did she call you a disgrace?"
"Objection." The other lawyer said as he stepped in from across the room.
"I'll rephrase."
"Do you think she got mad at you for being a homosexual because she is scared of that thought?"

"Objection!" My mother's lawyer stepped in again. "These questions are not related to why we are here at all. She hit him and we are finding out what to do about it. Not ask why it happened."

My lawyer looked at him and said back.
"Do you want to finish this or not Mr. Loveland?"

"ORDER!" The judge slammed his mallet three times against the alter. "I've heard, enough!"
He looked at both lawyers and said "you may be seated." He looked at me "you also may be seated." He had an odd expression in face.
"From the following week I have made my decision for the court, Linda McCrow."

My mother looked up at the judge "yes your honor?"

"In the power invested in me I hereby sentence you, 13 years in prison for abuse on a minor, child endangerment, being under the influence of drugs and alcohol, and discrimination against LGBTQ+ community members, and giving false information to the court." He said to my mother with a Stern British accent. "You've got a lot of life in you and I'm sorry you're gonna have to live it where you're going, you're a bright young lady and I want you to take care of yourself."

The crowd and the court was so quiet you could hear a misquito a mile away, My mother got tears in her eyes and covered her face as she sat down. The lawyers signed their papers and put some stamp on them, then closed their books.

"Court is no longer in session. Go home." The judge seemed pissed and emotional. My lawyer said to me as she was walking out "thank you, I'm so sorry for you. I'll see you in a few years."

My mother got stood up by some older cops and handcuffed. She was taken into a different room and I didn't see her ever again after that. I got emancipated a week later and was given financial aid from the government to get a house, and a car and my license. They gave me a food stamp card and applications for jobs that would give me a steady income till I can get a credit card in two years. I haven't seen Ryan since the last court date and could only text and call him while going through the emancipation stuff.

It's the first week after my emancipation, Ryan and I were on our way to look at a few houses.

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