•| Chapter 11 |•

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"what the fuck! were you thinking!? You could have gotten lost, or kidnapped or worse! You're so fucking stupid Alex! You're fucking stupid! You left me here alone!"  My mother said to me as she was smacking me and hitting me while trying to hug me at the same time.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HIM RIGHT NOW!" Ryan said as he walked in at the wrong time.
"What the fuck is your deal lady? Tell me what the fuck is it what the absolute fuck did you do and say to him for him to even want ro run away from you? Huh!?" He started to get angry with my mother as she stayed silent and held herself.
"Tell me! Or im calling mother fucking CPS on you!" She started to cry and fall to the floor.

"I called him names, and I said he was a disgrace to the family, he won't find love with another boy, that's just not right, do you understand? Jesus said that man shall not later with another man, and that's what my son thinks he's going to do?" She started to piss me off.
I walked up towards her and said

"I'm sorry you feel that way, but I can and I will, find happiness, and I think I can find it with someone im standing next to right now if he'd let me." Ryan looked over at me and smiled. My mother was angry and still crying as she gave me a stare of disgust and hatred. I crossed arms with Ryan and held his hand.

"You can change" my mother said to me as she choked on her tears.

I bent down to her with a petty gesture and said back to her, "so can you." I could tell she wanted to scream at me, I saw it in her face while looking at me like I was an insect on her wall.

Ryan looked at me and said "let's get the fuck out of here."

"No! Wait! Don't go! Please! Oh my God Alex please don't go again don't lea-"

"What could you possibly want from me! You treat and still are treating me like shit! You want me to stay but then you're calling me all these names! You say I'm wrong and then you defend your own pity party by saying I'm fine! What the fuck do you want from me?!" I said as I started to cry, feeling my body heat up from intense anger and guilt.

She stood there in silence for a good two minutes as she had tears running down her face, it felt like the longest two minutes of my life.
She pulled out her phone and called a number.

"Hi, I'm good how are you today, yes, I would like to inform you that I just hit my son, and i feel not fit to be a mother anymore, can you come get me before I hit him again?" She called the police in herself for something she didn't even do.

"You didn't hit me? What the fuck?"

"097 ashwood St. Willoughby, yes, see you soon, bye then. " She looked at me and took a deep breath in as she swung at me really hard, and really fast. I fell to the floor and my ears started to ring as Ryan fell with me trying to hold me up screaming my name, my head was cold and ached in my temples and it hurt to clench my jaw, but I had to, to release the pain.

"Yes I did." She said as she stumbled to sit down at the table. I blacked out as Ryan panicked to wake me up.

At 11:39am, we got to my house. I was fighting with my mother for almost an hour

12:36pm, my mother hits me across the face.

1:15pm, I get woken up by Ryan and a police officer.

1:31pm, we get to the station. And I get sat down in an empty room with a table and two chairs.

Three hours later

I was sitting in the middle of a police station with an ice pack pressed against my head trying to keep my pain from getting any worse while I was getting asked questions on what my mom did to me.
I told them everything I could and did remember.

Another hour went by and they were still questioning my mother.

4:41pm, I get told the news that my mother has been arrested for assault of a minor, child endangerment, and for being under the influence the entire time, apparently they found opioids in her drug test...

"I'm sorry son but there's going to be a long long court session quite soon for either custody or to let you live on your own since you're 16." A police officer said as he wiped his forehead from sweat.

"Well.... Fuck"

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