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Finn woke up with Marceline still asleep beside him and went to the bottom floor of her house to make breakfast. Finn opened the cupdoard and found a tomato he turned around and. "SSSSSSS". Hissed Marceline in a demonic face "Aaaah." shouted Finn as he jumped back and hit his head on the cupboard. This caused Marceline to break out in hysterical laughter. "Aaaaah." Moaned Finn feeling the rapidly rising lump on his head."That was perfect." Said Marceline wiping tears from her eyes."Yeah you got me pretty good."  Replied Finn still holding the lump on his head. "You got any ice?"  Marceline pointed to her freezer, Finn opened it and saw that the ice was red. "Is this." "Blood... no just food colouring."Replied Marceline

"Ok I was gonna say im not putting that om my head." This caused Marceline to burst out in laughter again as Finn grabbed the ice and put it on his head. A thought crossed Finn's mind that instantly brought him to tears. "Marceline I know it's hard for you to live forever but.... I want you to bite me." Said Finn solomly but lovingly at the same time.

"Finn ok... I will do it on you're nineteenth birthday so you can enjoy life a little longer." Replied Marceline a little shocked but grateful of this act of love, Finn leant in and kissed Marceline on the lips the kiss slowly intensified as there tungs battled for dominance the kiss only stopped because of lack of oxygen. "I love you Marcie." "I love you too Finn."

Finn's POV

I was so happy Marceline would turn me wait is that a.

Third person

"Marcie look out!" Shouted Finn as the candy club smashed her over the head Finn blacked out soon after feeling club hit him...

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