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The brave knight the vampire queen the legendary hero and the robotic defendor charged into battle against the banana guard. Billy having suprising speed for his size got there first and sliced three guards in half. Marceline changed into her demon bat form and crushed sliced and even ate any banana guards foolish enough to get in her way. Finn and Rattleballs were already surrounded standing back to back slashing ducking and jumping over diamond tipped spears. "Smartans hold!" (Get it ;).) Was heard as everyone stopped fighting for a few moments, the bannana guardsmen started to whoop and cheer at what the saw. Five rows of ten heavily armored highly trained smarties stood between the heroes and Bubblegum, she had a smirk on her face as she watched the heroes jaws drop open just for a second before the fight restarted. Finn having reactions that surprised even Billy attacked first, fueled by hate he slashed a guard in half ripped some of his flesh out ate it and shouted "COME AND GET ME," Finn's instincts took over as he became a killing machine, he dodged slashed and jumped over the guards attacks killing many and not getting harmed in the process. Marceline had changed back into her normal self and was on Billys back slashing and jumping whilst Billy cleared row after row of Banana guardsmen with single slashes of his immense sword. A diamond tipped spear lodged itself into Marcelines calf, she hissed pulled up the banana guard who had stabbed her and said. "That was a big mistake." As she ripped him in half and threw him at Bubblegum barely missing.

"Youll pay for that dearly." Calmly said Bubblegum as she drew a candy cane crossbow and began firing at Marceline. Rattleballs had already killed many being an excellent swordsman his hand was a blur blocking spears and severing yellow limbs. Rattleballs rushed a banana general barking order grabbed him and shouted. "Lets see how you fight without a leader." as everyone looked at him, Rattleball stabbed his sword through his chest. Immeadiatly the banana guard became unorganized some even running away, as the last of them were killed only the smartans stood between them and Bubblegum. Billy charged in first only knocking one to the ground with his treetrunk sizes arm, he finished him with a quick stab to the head before charging into battle. Marceline floated over the smartans knocking a few out with the blunt side of her axe bass and cutting a few in half. Finn had killed many with the rage inside him and his sword skills he was a force even Billy was scared of. Finn continued to hack and slash until a huge THUD! Was heard through out the castle everone turened and saw that Finn had a liquourice arrow stuck in his shoulder, gritting his teeth Finn took advantage of the pause to sever four smartans heads.

4 hours later

CRACK was heard throughout the castle a Madcelines fist obliterated the last smartan. "It's over Bubblegum... we win." shouted Finn.

"Hahahaha no Finn it's not over until YOURE MINE." Screeched Bubblegum as she swiftly pulled up her hand and fired her crossbow straight at Finn.

Time traveled slower for Finn the Liquorice arrow flying and spinning throught the air the sweat on his forehead Marcelines mouth slowly opening to utter a scream. "Nooooo!" Shouted Rattleballs as he jumped infront of his savior taking the bolt through his head crackimg his glass killing him instantly, he died with a smile knowing he saved his savior. "Why Rattleballs. Why." Whispered Finn as he looked at bubblegum, Finn picked up his sword and threw it at her it stuck into her left arm."But I love you." Screamed Bubblegum in pain and fury before she passed out. "What do we do with her." Asked Marceline sad for his loss.

"I know who would love her... Ice king

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