Reclaimed thought's

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6 month's later

"Good morning dear." Sais Bublegum as Finn wakes up.

"Good morning to you too." Replies Finn whilst leaning in and kissing Bubblegum on the cheek. "Remember it's youre birthday tommorow and ive got you an extra special surprise". Sais Bubblegum seductively lowering her voice. "I cant wait. But ive gotta go adventuring today so ill see you later." Shouts Finn as he walks away. "I love you." Shouts Bubblegum.

"I love you too." Finn walks towards the exit of the candy castle thinking about the dreams he had been having.

Finn's POV

Why do i keep dreming about her? Who is this girl? Why cant I remember? Why does she look so familiar? why cant I remember?

Third person

Finn continued to ponder about a raven haired girl he was dreaming about, until a note fell from the sky.

Dear Finn

Look behind the wardrobe in youre room.

Doctor D

"What?" Muttered Finn under his breath as he decided to check it out. Finn walked along the ornate candy corridor towards the room he and Bublegum had share for two years or so he thought. Finn arrived at the wardrobe and instantly saw light coming from behind it, curiosity overcame him and he moved the wardroad only to find a long rock candy corridor. Finn walked along the corridor until he arrived in a large round room with a switch, Finn flipped the switch and threw up at what he saw. The raven haired girl was in the corner nailed to an oak Wood cross covered in her own blood with a huge slash across her stomach. Memories flooded back to Finn and a distant name formed in his mind. "M Marceline." The raven girl lifted her head and looked at Finn pleadingly. "Finn help." her voice was barely a wisper. "Who are you why do I keep dreaming about you." Demanded Finn still horiffied at the sight. "We loved eachover Bubblegum hypnotised you." Marcelines eyes began to tear as she thought that Finn had forgotten her. "Aaaaaaah!" Screamed Finn as the hypnotic wall in his head started to break and he remembered when he used to jam with her. "Marceline let me help you."  Said finn as he approached her. Finn immediatly got out his sword and pried out the nails releasing her to the ground. Marceline burst into tears "She's been torturing me for 6 month's. Whispered Marceline as she cowered in the corner.  "Why arent you healing." Said Finn extremely worried. "She ripped out my fangs but im immortal I cant die from hunger". Finn got out his sword and cut his wrist. Marceline unable to control herself pounced on Finns arm and drank, Finn began to feel dizzy and pushed Marceline off. "Sorry." Said Marceline back to her usual self. "I still dont remember loving you." Said Finn solomly. "Remember this." Said Marceline as she pounced on Finn again and kissed him as passionately as she could. When she was finishes Finn said."I still dont AAAAAH!" Finn immediatly grabbed his head it felt like it was full of hot coals all his memories returned. "I remember. Lets get her." Said Finn in a very gruff angry voice. Marceline found her axe bass resting against a wall and reclaimed it. Bubblegum had been watching the whole thing and scrambled her whole banana guard army. Finn and Marceline began to walk towards the exit but were met by 300 banana guards Bubblegums whole army. Rattling was heard as Rattleball's landed next to Finn and cofidently said. "You helped me I shall help you." As he readied his sword. Finn unsheathed his too and Marceline got out her axe bass.

Finn's Pov

I wish Billy was here he could take all these guys on and he'd never make the same mistakes I have.

Third person

"Granted." Prismos voice boomed through the chamber as Billy arrived next to Finn. "You never used youre wish." Said Prismo. Billy unsheathed his sword as he arrived next Finn and said. "Finn I shall fight by your side. Noble hero." Finn, Marceline, Billy and Rattleballs charged towards the 300 strong Banana army. "End them but I want Finn." Shouted Bubblegum as the banana guard charged into battle.

Epic battle next part dont miss it.

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