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Finn awoke and looked around the large rock candy room he was in. Finn noticed that he was fully clothed and shackled to the wall hands and feet.

"Marcie." Said Finn his voice little more than a whisper and his vision blury.

"Finn." Shouted Marceline in much better shape then Finn because of her vampiric healing power. Finn concerntrated on where he heard the voice and saw Marceline in the same predicament as him chained to the wall.

"Well youre finally awake." Said Bubblegum as she walked into the center of the room wielding a metal baton. "Why Bubblegum what do you want?" Said Finn desperately. "I want you Finn I know you love me." Marceline drew a sharp breath and looked at Bubblegum in obviouse rage. "How dare you think im just you're pupet to toy with im in love with Marceline I got over you a long time ago!" Shouted Finn defiantly as Bubblegum walked over to him. "WRONG ANSWER!" Sreeched Bubblegum her soft voice replaced by one full of madness and malice. Bubblegum smashed the baton into Finn's ribs and a loud crack could be heard as all of them broke. "Aaaaaah." Shouted Finn holding back tears of betrayal and hurt. "You monster." Shouted Marceline as her fangs lengthed and her eyes glew a crimson so dark I could insight fear into any creature. Bubblegum took a step back in shock before composing herself. "Oh what's scary Maceline going to do to me now. Dont worry I have something for you too." Said Bubblegum mocking Marceline as she drew a stake from her pocket. Marceline hissed at the stake as Bubblegum walked towards her and said. "Dont worry this will only hurt a lot." As she slammed the stake into Marcelines stomach causing a screech of pain that could be heard all across oooh before she passed out from the pain. "Ha not so tough now. Finn you will be mine." Said Bubblegum as she snapped her finger and a donut man walked in. "Just relax Finn and this will all be over quickly". Exclaimed Bubblegum as the doughnut walked towards Finn with a pocket watch swinging in his hole. "Finn Relax just relax and keep focuse on the watch". The doughnut man's words were soothing and full of peace, Finn inadherently began to relax and follow the clock. "Now sleep." Ordered the doughnut man Finn instantly fell asleep.

Finn's POV

"You dont know anyone caleed Marceline ever existed. You love princess Bubblegum. You only love Bubblegum. Now awaken. Who do you love."

"I love Bubblegum."

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