The Impact

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After the rape, I was so numb, so desperate to feel. I found two ways to feel: drugs and sex. After it had happened, i fell into a deep depression. I was in a constant phase of anxiety.
I was drunk on night on campus one night. Adam and I hosted a small party in his dorm. He was hitting on me all night, but I didn't think much of it. Then I blacked out. Next thing I remember, I had come to in his bed, underneath him. I genuinely don't remember how I got ti that point, but here I was. I hated myself for cheating on Brad, but I was finally feeling something. I felt something for the first time since the assault, and I loved it. So I continued to cheat on Brad, on many occasions. Adam took advantage of the fact I was desperate to feel again. He had told me he loved me, but now I know that he never did.
Brad caught on pretty quick and confronted me. It hurt so much to see him cry. I knew I had really hurt him. Then he left me, and we haven't talked since.

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