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By the time we'd gotten into our seats the concert hadn't started yet, but there was a 30 second countdown on the stage screen which usually showed the faces of whomever were preforming for the people in the rows further back to see. The crowd chanted as they followed the countdown and the girls that surrounded Sam and I were already screaming with excitement.


The whole room screamed, Sam included as she jumped out of her seat. Music blared suddenly which probably would have scared me if I wasn't already going def from all the screaming, and there he was. Jayce jogged out on the stage already owning the crowd, he looked completely different than he did in high school and I found myself surprisingly intrigued.

He had on a pair of blue jeans which showed just the right amount and a tight black shirt which clung to his skin like another layer of skin, perfectly tracing over the muscles in his arms and the abs on his stomach. His brown hair was tossed all over the place like he'd just taken a shower and shook his head like a dog, it was annoyingly sexy and I couldn't believe I found myself starring this hard at him.

I had to do a double take, just to ensure that this was in fact the same Jayce from high school and it most certainly was. Jayce Jenkins got hot, not that he wasn't already the hottest guy in school at the time but I just never saw him like this back then, he just used to always be the guy that every girl wanted and every guy wanted to be.

Except me, I had Ryan in high school. He was the love of my life at the time and I only had eyes for him, I never even saw another guy as attractive and aside from maintaining a healthy relationship or at least trying to maintain it, school was my biggest focus.

I had good grades in every class, I was cheer captain and class president, along with competing on some sports teams I barely had time to be with Ryan let alone look at Jayce. But all of that seems like so long ago because I guess it was, everyone front then had changed and either left Jacksonville to peruse a different life or they stayed behind and joined their parents businesses.

Jacksonville was a small town so every business was owned by a different family, everyone knew everyone which made it the perfect town and hardly anyone actually ever wanted to leave it. Except Jayce I supposed, he got out of town as fast as he could. Right out of high school he moved to the city and pursued his music and I guess he made the right call all things considering, I guess I'm happy for him for finding something in life that he's really passionate about, especially at the age of twenty-five.

Most of the people our age hardly know what they are going to do with their lives let alone have their lives completely together. I guess Jayce was used to everything being perfect for him though, he could have whatever he wanted, the world was his and everyone loved him.

Hell, not even I could deny that he was amazing. It was hard to admit to myself but Jayce had it all, he had the looks, the talent, the brains and just about every other important thing. Most young artists would be jealous of his quick success, hell I was jealous of his quick success.

Jayce made his way around the stage while he sang, his guitar was strung across his back while he held the microphone and moved around. Walking towards us I watched as he scanned the crowd, smiling at all the girls screaming his name. Soon he'd made his way to where Sam and I had been standing and then the impossible happened.

Our eyes locked, his vibrant blue eyes looking right into my brown ones. He stared for longer than he should have and I began to receive looks from some of the surrounding women fighting for his attention, but his eyes were on me and for some strange reason I was actually enjoying it.

The Jayce from high school never would have looked at a girl like me, he didn't care for much else but himself and his close circle of friends. But this Jayce seemed so friendly and easy going like he was someone who loved letting new people in to expand his ever growing circle of successful friendships, or people just wanting to be close to the country star himself.

After a few seconds, which felt like minutes Jayce continued moving around the stage touching hands with the girls reaching out for him, he really knew how to draw a crowd into him and make every girl swoon for him.

As the concert continued I found myself enjoying the music and dancing along with everyone else as I let myself go with the music, it felt so good to relax. It was something I didn't do much since working at the diner, I had worked so hard to get to the position that I'm at now and I didn't want to stop working hard.

I worked nearly everyday and never called in sick unless I knew it would affect the customers and I worked every holiday along with covering someone's shift if they couldn't make it and the truth was, I loved it. The diner was my second home and I couldn't imagine myself working anywhere else. I had already started saving money to buy the diner when the time is right and I was just about ready to speak to Maggie about a payment plan, she was the last one in her family so when she died the diner would just be set for sale, I just couldn't let that happen and I love the place enough to know that it's where I wanted to be.

I think it's almost the right time to take the next big step in my life and I think purchasing the diner would be a good move and maybe after awhile if things go well then I'll think about buying a house, I've been keeping my eye out on the real estate lately but most of the house's around here were way out of my price range but I didn't mind, I enjoyed my life at the apartment with Sam and I wasn't in any rush to leave that behind.

I'd gotten so into the concert that I hadn't realized how much time had passed and just like that, it was over. "That was amazing!" Sam exclaimed, I smiled at her in agreement. I surprisingly enjoyed myself tonight, even after dreading this concert all day, I though that it would for sure make me remember everything I hated about high school but instead I realized that people really can change.

I still couldn't get the image of Jayce's lingering gaze out of my head and everytime I thought about it I couldn't help but smile, I felt like a fan girl who had just met her idol for the first time and I was ready to jump around, it was hard to explain why making eye contact with Jayce was so nice, we were never friends before he got famous and I never expect us to be friends but part of me wished that I'd taking the time to try and get to know him when I had the chance but I guess it's to late for that now.

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