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I spent the remainder of the week hiding from the public in my apartment and at work, work was difficult though. Every other customer that walked in was a reporter just looking for information and even though they weren't using large noticeable cameras I could still see them taking pictures with their phones.

Surprisingly Jayce hadn't reached out at all and according to the news he hadn't denied the rumors yet but even if he did I doubt the public would even believe him. They're set on their opinions and I guess it's just up to me to steer clear of the drama that was unfolding.

I had to turn my phone off due to the hundreds of messages from people that I didn't know and so I could ignore all of the nasty messages that I was receiving of people convinced that I was using Jayce for his fame and money which if you ask me makes no sense.

But I wasn't going to get involved, I decided not to even try and defend myself either because I knew that would make matters worse.

By the weekend I had decided to stay in, rather than going out with Sam and some other girls from work, the reporters outside made it hard for me to travel and it was kind of overwhelming.  Everyone was convinced that the media would move onto another scandal but they still hadn't yet and there was no one convincing them of anything else.

By Monday Maggie had called me, she wanted to let me know that I would be off for the week as some kind of paid time off.  But it was only because all of the reporters had really driven customers at the diner away and I didn't blame her for not wanting me there.

It sucked though, I mean work had really been my only distraction throughout this whole experience and now all I had was my tiny apartment, not even Sam had been spending much time here between work and the guy she was seeing. I sat at the small desk in my bedroom typing away and my laptop adjusting the schedules to suit the needs of those who would be covering me in my absence this week.

I was drawn from my computer when a thud erupted from the window behind me, I turned around letting out a small scream in the process when I first saw a face staring back at me. Jayce stood outside the window of my fire escape smiling at me, I debated even opening the window for him in the first place but the curiosity inside me really wanted to know what he wanted.

I stood up and walked over to the window unlatching it and pushing it open allowing Jayce inside, "what are you doing here?' I asked him, Jayce once inside my bedroom closed the window and brushed himself off. "I figured that we should probably talk" he said, I nodded slowly in agreement but I couldn't say that I was happy about it.

Any of the talking that is about to happen should have happened earlier in the week, before I was forced to take time off from my job and hide away in my room like some adolescent teen who had been grounded or something. I took a seat on the bed and Jayce took the desk chair I had been sitting on and turned it so we were facing each other.

"I feel I should explain why I haven't said anything," he began, I watched him brush a small piece of his brown hair out of his face and I couldn't lie there was so much to enjoy about Jayce and not just his music. I would be lying if I said that he wasn't attractive because he was.

"Ok," was all I could manage to say, a part of me was furious about the whole situation but the other part of me wanted to jump into his arms and play along with the whole thing. "I should tell you first that I wasn't the one who started the rumor," he stated and I believed him, I had to reason to think that he was being honest with me but I wanted it to be the truth so I just went along with it.

"Who did?" I asked before he could continue, Jayce paused for a minute and looked away from me in the process "an old girlfriend of mine, it's complicated" he brushed the question off quickly and changed the subject "anyways, I had posted several times saying that the rumors of us dating had been false and it turned out that my publicist Jenny had been deleting them without my knowledge"

"Well why would she do that?" I wondered why would she want to world to think that Jayce and I were together, I'm a nobody compared to the other girls in his life. "She loved the attention that I was getting over the 'Mystery girl' that I was apparently seeing" he shrugged, I nodded.

I couldn't even begin to pretend that I understood the troubles Jayce faced with his publicity on a daily basis, and I didn't want any part of it. "Look Jayce I get that this is good for you, but it's not good for me" I blurted out, Jayce frowned unintentionally I would imagine and bit his lip. "I've been asked to take time off of work because of it, not to mention I can't even leave my own home without being bombarded by reporters asking me questions in which I don't have the answers too" it's overwhelming I thought to myself, I decided not to add that because I could tell by Jayce's expression that I had hurt his feelings.

"And for that I am truly sorry, I can assure you that the rumors are being addressed as we speak and as for any work days you've missed because of me I'll have my manager send over some compensation" Jayce's words had suddenly been laced with anger, I wasn't sure that I understood why Jayce was so angry that I had said those things to him but I wasn't trying to hurt him.

But the fact that he thinks that I want money from him makes him just as bad as those trolls online who had been saying that exact same thing about me. I stood up crossing my arms in the process and looked down at Jayce "I don't want your money, Jayce. I just wanted the truth to be revealed so that we can both get on with our separate lives"

Jayce stood up, and now it was him looking down at me because he was taller than I was. All I could smell was his cologne, the same one that he had been wearing in the dinner the night we shared a burger and fries. A night that I had really enjoyed until it backfired on the both of us and reminded me of just how different him and I are.

Jayce stood in front of me, silent for a second and then did the unexpected.

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