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Sam and I shuffled out of the room walking toe to heel with the people in front of us as we exited the packed arena and all piled into the main arena, the room was filled with chatter, each person trying to talk over the next made it louder than it needed to be and I could barely hear my own thoughts.

"Come on, there is an exit down the hall that we can take to get out of here before the parking lot gets packed" Sam grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd of people who were pushing their way out like there was a fire and they were ready to trample anyone who crossed their path. I had a hard time keeping my balance as I was bumping into every passing person apologizing every step of the way.

Finally Sam and I managed to find a hallway that was practically empty aside from a few lingering staff members cleaning up their stations. I expected them to stop us for being in an off limits arena but no one seemed to care, they all just wanted to finish their shifts and head home for the night, I couldn't blame them, it was a Friday night and they probably had parties to get to or at least something more interesting that serving peanuts and hot dogs while everyone else got to enjoy the concert.

"So what did you think?" She asked as we walked down the hallway, I looked at her and contemplated whether or not I wanted to be honest with her about enjoying the show, I figured that if I told her she would bring up Jayce for the rest of my life and I was nearly ready to move on.

I would probably never see Jayce again unless he was on the cover of some magazine or on the television and I wasn't going to count down the days, "you know, it actually wasn't that bad" I shrugged like it was no big deal, she still hadn't mentioned the lingering stare between Jayce and I but I was glad.

Maybe he just looked for so long so he could try and figure out where he knew me from or even if he knew me at all, there are a million reasons why that would have happened and hell I was surrounded by hundreds of girls, he probably wasn't even staring at me.

But a big part of me hoped that it was me that he was looking at. I don't know why but seeing Jayce tonight made me realize why he was so popular in school. I guess I just never noticed Jayce because I was with Ryan for all of high school, besides him boys were the last thing on my mind.

We had just about reached the exit and I realized that I had to pee and I figured that it would be best for me to go now rather than waiting until we got home which wouldn't be close to an hour because Sam would stop for some food as she usually did when we went out for drives, I looked around the hall and spotted a bathroom sign just behind us. 

"You go ahead to the car, I'm going to run to the washroom" I smiled at her "okay but don't get lost I'm starving, we should go to that diner that's just around the block" she suggested, I grinned knowing that she was going to ask for food and I turned around to walk to the bathroom.

I heard the door close behind me and I started walking a little faster so she wouldn't be waiting on me, it wouldn't be fair of me to make Sam wait anymore today than I already had.  I'm surprised she didn't leave me on the side of the road or something, I mean I did deserve it. 

I rounded the corner and my body collided with something hard and I stumbled backwards, stupidly I tried to catch myself with my hands which left my wrists stinging as they slammed onto the ground, "shit" I heard a mans voice mumble.  I grabbed my bag and looked up at the mans hand which was stretched out towards me, before grabbing it I looked up at who I'd run into and my eyes went wide.

I probably had the dumbest look on my face as I looked directly at Jayce, who was waiting patiently for me to accept his help up.  I smiled at him trying to make it a little less awkward then it was and I placed my hand in his, "sorry" I mumbled, I can't believe this, figures I would run into someone.  But I never would have guessed that it would be Jayce, I would have thought that he would have been gone by now to beat the traffic and run off to the airport to board his plane to whatever location he was off to next.

Jayce pulled me off the ground with ease and gave me a slight smile "Lacy?" He asked with a huge grin across his face, I looked blankly at him, he remembered my name which was something that I really was not expecting.  "From high school right?" He added "you were a cheerleader" we dropped hands and I adjusted my dress. 

"Yeah, it's nice to see you again" I looked up at him, trying to think of something to say that would break this awkward silence that filled the room.  "Yeah, I saw you in the crowd tonight" he said.  I blushed slightly realizing that he actually was looking at me and I felt better about myself.  "did you enjoy the show?"

"Yeah, it was really good" I said truthfully, I could feel my phone vibrating in my pocket which was probably Sam calling to see if I fell into the toilet.  But I ignored the call because I didn't want to be rude.  "I've got some time off until my next show and I'm actually headed back to Jacksonville to spend some time with my mom," he said happily, "do you still live there?" He asked.

I nodded "yeah," I smiled shyly. Jayce looked at me with a huge grin on his face and I could feel my cheeks turning red, "hey Jayce," a man walked around the corner and saw the two of us talking and didn't look pleased. Shooting me a dirty look he turned to face Jayce without acknowledging me at all, "we need to go" he said sternly.

Jayce looked at me with one last smile, "I'll be in Jacksonville Tuesday, I hope I'll see you around" he said before walking away, "bye" I mumbled quietly as I watched him walk away, trying to avoid looking at his perfect ass, but i really couldn't help it. He was built perfectly.

Completely forgetting about my need to pee I skipped out to the car with an annoyingly large smile on my face. "What's got you so giddy?" Sam asked as I climbed into her car, I looked at her "I just ran into Jayce, like literally ran into him" I emphasized the word ran the second time I said it and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"What!" She practically screamed, I giggled and explained the entire event to her, adding that he'd be in town Tuesday and he hoped to see me around. "Damn, I wish I was the one that needed to pee" she said, we both laughed as she made her way out of the parking lot.

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