Chapter 11

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That morning Xander and Nolan has gone separately to school since Nolan had to go in early for some extra help. Nolan wasn't going to lie either, he was kind of glad he didn't have to see Xander that morning. He was still upset over Ava going to Xander's house while he had to be by himself. He knew he shouldn't feel jealous because it wasn't fair for him to hog Xander and keep him all to himself. But it was hard to share sometimes.

Now he was walking to his first hour and he was slightly hoping that Xander wouldn't be there so he wouldn't have to be reminded of yesterday.

"Wait!" Xander says suddenly. He grabs Nolan by the elbow and drags him into the bathroom. Nolan's eyes widen as he stumbles inside with him. The door bangs shut behind them and Xander let's go of Nolan's elbow after a moment of holding on.

"What're you doing?" He asks.

"Ava is walking this way. I don't want to talk with her right now," he mumbles, tapping his foot nervously. After kissing Ava the previous night, Xander didn't want to run into her again until he had to which was most likely going to be at lunch. That night after the incident with his father and after kissing Ava, he had laid in bed awake for hours. Even after all his other brothers had fallen asleep and Beckett's snores filled the room Xander couldn't seem to sleep himself. Instead his stomach was twisting with anxiety and tears pricked his eyes. He was sure it was closer to three am or maybe even four when he finally calmed down enough to sleep and that was only after taking a bit of NyQuil along with a glass of milk to finally knock him out.

Nolan frowns a bit and looks at him. "Did you two fight last night or something?"

Xander shakes his head. He didn't exactly want to tell Nolan about the kiss. Which was weird because they told each other everything. But for some reason this wasn't something he was particularly excited to boast about.

"No we didn't fight it's just... it's nothing I just don't want to talk right now."

Nolan rolls his eyes, seeing right through him. "Come on tell me. What happened when you guys hung out?"

Xander bites his lip and looks over at Nolan. "It really is nothing we just... we may have made out on my bed a bit." Xander could have sworn a look of jealous flashed across Nolan's face at the statement but he didn't point it out. "It just happened out of nowhere, ya know? At first we were on my bed talking and next thing I know my hands up her shirt. I don't... I don't like her like that so now I don't know what I'm going to do, Nolan. I-I didn't even want to kiss her."  Xander felt all of last nights emotions rushing back in. His split lip stung as he bit down onto it to keep his tears at bay.

"Hey, it's alright. We'll figure this out." Nolan smiles and places his arm across his friends shoulders to comfort him.

Xander let's out a helpless chuckle and shakes his head. "Why have I been such a pussy lately?" He mumbles. Nolan knew we wasn't necessarily asking him the question but he answered it anyways.

"You're not, Xander. It's just... you've just got a lot going on," Nolan offers with a small shrug. He glances toward the stall in the back to make sure it was open before leaning over and quickly pressing his lips to Xander's cheek.

Xander's eyes widen a bit and his face flushed red.

"You said it helped last time when you did it so I... I thought maybe it would help," Nolan says shyly.

Xander slowly smiles and nods. "Thanks," he whispers. "C'mon let's get to class though."

The two boys walk out of the bathroom and to their luck, Ava was no longer in sight. Xander couldn't help the little sigh of relief that came out as he fixed his bag on his shoulders and headed down the hall to class.

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