Chapter 21

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Xander shakes his head chuckling quietly as they made their way down the hall. "You are honestly the biggest dork I have ever met. I have never heard someone say they were excited for a test just because there's a section on it that has to do with planets and that atmosphere shit."

Nolan laughs and looks down at his shoes as they walk. "Oh, whatever sorry I'm enjoying something in school unlike you, grumpy," he teases. It was monday morning and normally Xander dreaded going to school with every fiber in his being, but this time he didn't mind it all too much. He had woke up and wasn't cranky or annoyed like most mornings. Instead it was easier for him to get out of bed and ready for school because for one he was excited to see Nolan and secondly he was going to start trying in his classes. He knew it would be hard since he had fallen so far behind, but he was ready to make up for all the time lost.

"Hey, Nolan!" Some kid calls. Nolan frowns a bit and turns around to see who was calling his name only to be shoved back against the lockers. Nolan winces and rubs the back of his head.

"Ow, what was that for?" He mumbles.

"So that test we have in biology today, I want you to help me on it."

Nolan frowns. "What? You mean cheat?" He asks. The boy who had slammed him against the lockers was one that Nolan had never been fond of. He was always slacking off in class and picking on him. Unluckily for Nolan the boy sat right behind him in class and he spent most of his time kicking at Nolan's seat or flicking the back of his head. He hadn't told Xander about it because he knew it would make him angry and it would just cause an unnecessary fight. "No, way am I helping you cheat. It's not my fault you decided not to study."

The boy raises an eyebrow and shoves Nolan against the lockers. "Hey!" Xander says this time. He grabs the kid by the back of his shirt and yanks him a way from Nolan. "Keep your hands off of him, you hear me?"
Xander knew he should let Nolan fight his own battles, but it was hard to just stand there and watch him take it. Yeah Nolan would speak up for himself but when things got physical or out of hand Nolan never fought back with his fists and Xander never knew why. If someone was punching
or kicking someone else than it would be reasonable for that person to fight back. Xander didn't understand why Nolan didn't have that same logical reasoning as him.

"Oh I'm sorry Alexander I didn't know you were so protective over your boyfriend," he teases with an evil grin on his face.

He knew it was yet a joke. A stupid ignorant joke that a stupid ignorant kid was saying but it went straight to heart. It pissed him off that kids would joke about that because he didn't see why it was funny to begin with. So what if him and Nolan were dating? Everyone else was allowed to date in the school and it pissed him off that just because him and Nolan were two boys that changed everything.

Xander's face went red with anger and Nolan caught it just in time. He quickly leaned forward and grabbed his elbow just as Xander was about to lunge for the kid. "Fuck you. You don't know shit," he argues and the boy laughs.

"You're only so upset over it cause it's true." The doy truly didn't believe it was true by any means but he loved to pick on them.

"Xander come on," Nolan pleads. "It's not worth it. He's not worth getting in trouble over so let's just go to class." He was scared that Xander was going to fight again and end up getting expelled like the principal had threatened.

Xander glares at the kid before nodding reluctantly. "Yeah... Yeah come on let's just go to class," he mumbles. Nolan let's out a sigh of relief and let's go of Xander's elbow as they head down the hallway again.

"Thanks, but I didn't want you fighting that kid. It wasn't worth you getting a suspension for," Nolan admits with a shrug.

Xander sighs and nods. He knew he had a point. His next fight could end in expulsion and Xander didn't want that. He had just now finally found his drive in school and he didn't want that to be ruined just like that. But at the same time he wanted to make sure the kid didn't mess with Nolan again. He knew he couldn't always be there right by Nolan's side and that was why he wanted to scare the kid so bad that he wouldn't mess with Nolan even when he wasn't around.

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