Chapter 16

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Nolan had gone home the previous night around eight. It was now Friday morning and Xander found himself nervous to see Nolan again. He wasn't sure if last night was a mistake or not. He didn't think it was but at the same time he wasn't so sure.

It was a weird a weird feeling having Nolan know about his secret. Yeah, he had already mentioned it to Beckett but with Nolan it was different. Now that Nolan knew about his crush on him and his sexuality it was almost a surreal experience. It was like a dream mixed into a nightmare.

He let's out a small sigh as he grabs his pop tart from the microwave and takes a bite from it. He holds it in his mouth as he laces up his boots and then shrugs his coat on. He then takes it out of his mouth and holds it in his hand while his other hand grabs onto his backpack. Xander heads out the door and down the street.

Like usual Nolan was in front of his house waiting and he smiles when he saw Xander. His cheeks were red from the cold and he had a beanie pulled over his ears. "Hey," he says happily.

Xander smiles back. "Hey, you want the other half of this pop tart?" He asks, holding it out.

Nolan nods and takes it from him. "Thanks." He says and takes a bite from it

Xander nods a bit and rubs the back of his neck. "Lets get going," he says softly. Nolan nods and the two boys walk side by side. Like most times they walk with their sides close to each other. This time they walked close enough though that their hands brushed against the other occasionally. Everytime it did Xander felt little jolts of excitement run through him. Sure, they did this everyday on the way to school, but now it was different. It was all different The little smiles Nolan gave him, the way their hands brushed against the other's. It was all so new yet exciting for him.

"I have Mr. Mack third hour and he passed our tests back yesterday. I'm sure he did the same for your test too," Nolan says.

Xander nods. He had completely forgotten about the test with everything that had happened with his mom and then with Nolan. But now that the subject had been brought back up his jolts of excitement turned into anticipation and nerves. "What did you get?" He asks.

"A ninety. I didn't really understand this unit." Nolan says and Xander rolls his eyes. To Nolan not understanding something meant he didn't get hundreds on everything. But Xander would be beyond the moon if he got even a seventy on the test.

He didn't know why he was so nervous to see his score. He was used to failing test after test, but that was because he didn't try. This time if he failed it just meant he was stupid because he had studied and had tried, so if his score didn't reflect that he didn't know what that meant.

Of course Nolan would get an A because he was smart and always studied but Xander had just started studying the night before the actual test and he wasn't expecting to get anything close to what Nolan got on the test.

"Think I could go to his class before class starts so I could see my score? I also did the homework you brought me I have to give him."

Nolan nods. "Yeah, I don't see why not. Do you think you did good?"

Xander shrugs. "Doubt it. Been failing all year. I don't know why I'd be expecting anything other than another F or if I'm lucky a D."

Nolan rolls his eyes. "You're smart, Xander. You just don't give yourself enough props." Nolan smiles and purposely brushes his hand against Xander's to get him to smile right back.

Xander blushes slightly and smiles shyly at the ground. "Wanna ditch lunch today in the lunch room?" He asks. "We could sneak into one of the extra classrooms probably. That way we don't have to worry about Ava and we could just chill, ya know?"

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