Chapter 13

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"Are you serious?" Nolan asks, proud smile on his face.

Xander bows his head bashfully and nods. "Yeah, Okay? But don't make a big deal bout it."

Nolan's grin grows. "How can I not make a big deal about it? Xander you never freakin' study. I'm so proud of you," he says happily. He leans over and gives Xander a one armed hug.

Xander tenses up at the hug for a second before relaxing and smiling. He was glad that things weren't too weird between the two of them like he thought they would be. "Okay get off me, perv," he teases and closes his locker. "Better get to first hour before we're late. Last thing we want is you getting in trouble cause god forbid," he teases. Nolan laughs and shoves him playfully before heading up the stairs.

"Xander!" Someone calls.

Both the boys turn their heads and look toward the source of the voice. Behind them, they see Ava coming down the hallway. She had on a grey cardigan with a white tank top on underneath. She had on black leggings and her hair was thrown up into a messy bun. So much for hiding in the bathroom to get a way from her, Xander thought. It would be just his luck that he would run into her today the most today out of any other day of the school year. Xander almost never saw Ava until lunch time when they sat together but today of course just had to be different. Sometimes he truly thought the world was out to get him.

She grins as she approaches the two boys and goes next to Xander. "Hey," she says softly, smiling up at him and twirling her hair.

Xander smiles back. "Hey, Ava." He did enjoy seeing Ava still because the two were friends. Even though Xander didn't feel the same way towards her that she did him, he still liked being her friend. But it was the kissing and hand holding that really bothered him.

"Hey, So I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today? This time I was thinking my place," she offers. Ava reaches down and grabs Xander's hand to intertwine their fingers together.

"Oh, uh, I would but I'm already hanging out with Nolan today. Maybe this weekend?"

Xander hadn't made prior plans with Nolan yet for the day, but he knew that Nolan would back him up with his lie anyways if he had to.

Ava frowns a bit but nods. "Yeah, Okay Maybe this weekend then," she agrees. "I'll see you at lunch then." She leans up and kisses his cheek before walking off down the hall.

Xander sighs and looks over at Nolan. "I can hang at your place today right?" He asks him.

Nolan immediately grins and nods. "Yeah, definitely." He felt giddy and happy that Xander had picked him over Ava. He knew he shouldn't get his hopes up, but he couldn't stop thinking about the kiss the two of them shared. There had been a few times at night that Nolan caught himself thinking about it. He'd reply the moment in his mind and wonder if it meant more than just a comfort kiss. He knew most boys would never ever kiss their friends like that, but maybe they were different.

Nolan has started to think he was gay over the past few months and he was starting to believe that more and more as the days went on. Now he was starting to wonder if Xander was going through the same thing.

Soon first hour passed and with that so did the other courses and lunch until it was finally eighth hour. Xander had studied relentlessly for this test and he figured he could handle it. Though he never attempted his other tests he did read over the questions some of the times and they seemed simple enough for him. He was just hoping this test would be the same.

"Good afternoon, Xander," Mr. Mack says. He smiles across his desk at Xander

Xander looks back and offers him a small nod before taking his usual seat in the back. The bell soon rings and Mr. Mack walks desk to desk passing out the test.

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