Chapter 25

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The first few weeks after the truth of their relationship got out was rough. Kids were rude and crude and their was name calling almost constantly. But finally after three months of endless torture it seemed to miraculously dwindle down until no one seemed to pay them any mind anymore. Sure they didn't kiss or hold hands in school, but they also didn't deny to anyone that they were in fact dating because neither of them were embarrassed of it. Sure they both had their fears, but they didn't want that to be the controlling factor in their relationship. Instead they chose happiness.

It was cheesy and dumb when Xander though about it, but Nolan truly was the main source of pure happiness in his life. He had always been there for him and now that they were dating Nolan filled that physical affection even more. Though they were only fourteen and the farthest they had gone was a couple of make out sessions they weren't in any rush. They were just kids and they both were starting to realize that.

Now they they were dating Nolan felt more confident about himself which was ironic. He had figured that after getting outed at school that his self esteem would be crushed to the point of no return but luckily he was mistaken. Instead he had slowly learned to stick up from himself and he found out that once he did no one really picked on him anymore. It was like he was finally free to be him.

It was now mid February and the past few days had been nice outside. Most of the snow had surprisingly melted and it was in the mid 50s. It was all just in time for Nolan's birthday.

His mom and brother had worked with Xander to help set everything up. It was Friday evening and Nolan's family had made sure to take him to his aunt's for a little birthday dinner with her. While they were gone Xander was allowed over and he set to work to create what he was hoping to be Nolan's most memorable birthday yet.

His backyard was an average size and was surrounded by a chain fence. They had a small porch that was now bare since the outdoor furniture had been put away for the winter. But now Xander was working on setting up a small theater area for the two of them on it. In the center he had dragged the fireplace out and had even bought things for s'mores earlier that week. Next to the fireplace was a little cozy pillow bed he had made out of the patio cushions. He had pushed a few up against the house to make for backrests and down in front of them he had added pillow after pillow and loaded it up with blankets to make it as warm and cozy as possible. He then put a table to the side of it with a few gatorades and pops underneath it for later. On top he had brought his laptop and was already logged into Nolan's account that he let him use as well. Then for his final few touches of decoration he had blown up a few balloons to have around the patio with the strings wedges under bricks to keep them in place and strung Christmas lights off of the side of the house. He had used tape to hold them in place since it was only against the siding and he was hoping that they would stay in place long enough for them to enjoy it.

But most importantly, Xander had Nolan's gift neatly wrapped and placed at the center of the pillow bed. It was a large rectangular shape and was wrapped in a galaxy themed wrapping paper. The wrapping job itself was a little messy and had a bit too much tape to it but that was only because Xander had insisted on doing it himself and it was the first time he had ever wrapped a gift before. But even if it was bad he wanted to do it all on his own just to prove to Nolan how much he means to him.

Nolan had texted Jackson to let him know he was done setting up and within ten minutes he replied that they were getting ready to leave. Though the air was a bit frigid, Xander lit the fire and it immediately helped warm up the air around him. He was nervous that Nolan wouldn't like it and as he waited he kept passing back and forth on the patio. He was almost certain he wouldn't but still a small part of him couldn't help but worry.

By now the sky was a soft pink as the sun was starting to set and he had switched on the multicolored Christmas lights. The laptop was on and he had Guardians of the Galaxy Volume two loaded up and ready. He knew Nolan liked the first one better it Xander physically had no money whatsoever to buy the first one for him and it wasn't on Netflix so he settled for this one. Once again he didn't think Nolan would mind since he still loved this movie but he still couldn't help the bit of anxiety that was racing through his body.

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