Personal Trainer Part 8

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You collapse as Erik catches you and he gets his phone to call 911

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You collapse as Erik catches you and he gets his phone to call 911. While on the phone he was doing everything he could to keep you up and alive until help arrived. As Erik sat in the hospital lobby your parents and sister show up and he tells them what happened. After a couple of hours the doctor shows up to let them know what's going on.

It had been about two weeks since the shooting and Erik was standing in your now empty apartment gathering the last of your stuff. Erik and your dad spent the past couple of days removing everything from your apartment. The hospital was first time your family got to meet Erik and even though you guys weren't together they loved him and grew close over time. Your dad and Erik took most of your things to storage and when they were done Erik dropped your dad off at home.

Erik arrived home bringing in some of the stuff he kept from your apartment. He later took a shower and threw on some sweats as he sat and played video games. An hour later you walk in with bags sitting them on the kitchen counter before you walk over to Erik sitting on his lap. "Hey!" You say kissing him as he takes his focus off the game to kiss you back. "Wassup princess." He says looking at you. "Did you and my dad get everything out the apartment?" You ask. "Yeah we got everything we took most of what was left and put it in storage. But I brought some stuff that I knew you'd here, it's over there." He says tilting his head in the direction of the boxes.

You'd been in the hospital for a week when you were released. While in the hospital you knew that you didn't want to go back to your apartment. You considered going to your parents house until you found something but Erik insisted you stay with him. It had now been a few days since you'd moved in with him and Erik felt like your relationship should be more than what it was and you two official. Erik pulls you closer to him. "Ouch baby that hurts." You wince holding your stomach where you were still sore. "Oh shit baby I'm sorry." He says letting you go. "It's cool you can make it up to me later." You say kissing him before getting up and walking away.

Your life was quickly getting back to normal now that Kevin was dead. Now that you didn't have to worry about him coming around you were able to finally go about your life. You were starting a clothing line and opening up a new store. Erik wasn't your trainer anymore but the two of you worked out together constantly. He even helped you out with your new store.

Two Years Later

Two years had passed and you were finally ready to debut your clothing line. You spent so much time perfecting your line you were excited to be releasing it. It was the night of your fashion show and you spent the final moments putting finishing touches on some of the clothes. The show started as you watched backstage and and cheered on the models. In the finale you walked down the runway behind the models before you reached the end and saw your family including Erik and your one year old daughter sitting in the crowd waving. You smiled at them making your way backstage to celebrate.

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