Personal Trainer Part 10

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You sat at home waiting for Erik to show up. After what you'd witnessed earlier you needed answers and you needed them ASAP. A few hours passed when Erik finally arrived.

"Hi baby." He says as he walks over to you. "Where's Sky?" Erik asks looking around the room.

"She's at Sabrina's." You tell him as you watch him sit on the couch. You follow and sit on the opposite side.

"Come sit over here." He tells you as he pats the space next to him. You take a deep breath before taking a seat next to him.

"How was your day? Do anything interesting?You ask.

"Nah just hung with some dudes from work." He says not taking his eyes of the TV.

"Really? That's it?" You question.

"Yeah pretty much." He says.

"Soooo when I seen you with some other bitch walking out of a building and getting into your car that was you hanging with your coworkers right?" You say turning to look at him. Erik sighs as he looks at you.

"Y/N that was just a friend of mine you have nothing to worry about." He says rubbing your arm.

"If I don't have nothing to worry about then why are you fucking lying to me? You've been acting weird for weeks now this shit." You yell getting up from the couch.

"Because I knew you'd probably make a big fucking deal out of it like you are now." He yells.

"I wouldn't have had a problem you hanging out with another woman Erik. It's the fact that you lied about it that pisses me off. You know about all the shit I had to put up with when I was with Kevin and know you wanna do the same shit." You say angrily as you walk away.

"No I'm not Y/N, it's nothing like that I'm telling you she's just a friend." Erik says grabbing your hand.

"Whatever Erik I'm going to bed I really don't have time for this." You tell him as you go to your bedroom. A few minutes later Erik walks in as you laid in bed.

"Erik I know things between happened so fast. Us moving in together, then dating and me getting pregnant, the past three years has been a lot for us to take in. But if being with me isn't what you want anymore then just tell me and I'll go." You tell him.

"Listen I know you probably don't wanna hear this or that you'd believe me. But the woman you saw me with was my cousins girlfriend Nakia she's in town for a few days and I told her I'd show her around. Believe it or not I was actually gonna introduce you guys tomorrow. He says sitting beside you. "Y/N I love you okay. I would never do anything to jeopardize my relationship with you or our babygirl just know that." He continues before kissing you on the cheek and walking out.

The next morning you wake up to text from Nicki asking how everything went. You told about what Erik said and that you'd meet up with her later. You get up and walk to the bathroom as Erik stood at the sink.

"Are you still meeting with Nakia today?" You ask.

"Uh yeah I'm actually getting ready to go meet her now. If you want you can still meet her." He tells you.

"No. It's fine Erik." You say as you starting the shower.

A week later

After what happened last week you knew you had to be able to trust Erik. You knew deep down Erik wouldn't have done anything to fuck in your relationship but with how things were going you thought the impossible was possible. You walk into the kitchen and see Erik making breakfast.

"I already fed the little one so I'm making something for us." Erik says. Once he was done you sat at the table in front of a plate of pancakes as he sat across from you.

As both of you finished your food Erik cleared the table before sitting back down. "I think we should get married." He says nervously causing you to choke on your orange juice.

"Wh-what?" You cough.

"I'm serious Y/N." He laughs. "If I'm being honest it's the would reason why I was acting weird. I've never really considered getting married or having a kid until I you came into my life." Erik says. "You've changed my life in the best way possible and I didn't know how to approach this so I went visit my family and get some advice from them." He continues.

"Is that what this whole Nakia thing was about?" You ask

"Yeah I asked her to come to town to meet you since I trust her opinion but everything kinda blew up." He tells you. "So is it a" He says.

"I guess I'll say yes since you asked so nicely." You laugh. Erik leaves the room and comes back with a ring putting it on your finger. Both of you kiss passionately as Erik slips his hand up your shirt.

"Woah...nope I know where this is going and the baby is right there so we're putting this on hold until later." You say to Erik as you walkover to Sky.

After months of planning, it was finally your wedding day. In just a couple of hours Erik Stevens was about to become your husband. Who would've thought that some stranger you hooked up with at a club would eventually become your husband and father of your child. It was now time as you and dad your way to the aisle.

Your wedding was beautiful during the ceremony you noticed Erik's family from Wakanda was there. You had met then a few weeks after you and Erik got engaged which is when you got to meet Nakia. Both of you became really great friends with her even helping with some of the wedding along with Erik's cousin Shuri. At the reception you were greeted by family and friends you hadn't seen in a while as they congratulated you and Erik. You sat with your daughter watching everyone eat, drink and dance. Erik was talking to his cousin T'Challa before he eventually came to sit next to you.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you baby." He says kissing you. "You too!" He says picking up Skylar. "And how could I forget our two future additions." He says rubbing your barely noticeable stomach.

"I can't believe we're having twins." You laugh. You and Erik only found out about a week ago and the two of you still couldn't believe it. Both of you were more than ready for your two additions to your family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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