Chapter 9-its time

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Hey guys sorry I didn't post for a couple days cause I was busy with and I was too lazy and also don't know to right but anyways the picture of drift above make me say like fu—I mean anyways enjoy the story(god I'm weird).

Drift POV

I woke up to see (y/n) still sleeping which made me smile.

I got up and gone to the bathroom to take a shower.

When I got out of the showered changed i got out of the bathroom and see (y/n) still sleeping "hee guest she's a heavy sleeper"I said to my self.

I woke up to the bed and tried to wake her up which made her groan "(y/n) wake up its the day we go back home"
I said shaking her to wake her up.

"Ahhhh I forgot,wait for me let me just take a shower!"she said embarrassed

"Hee ok go ahead"I said smirking.she got out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

—1 hour later—

She finally finished taking a shower and changing and she got out of the bathroom wearing a hoodie and jeans and hair was a ponytail.

"You ready?"I said

"Yeah let's go to the basement and see John and carbide are ready"she said

"Ok let's go"i said.

We gone out of the bedroom and to the basement and see carbide and John working

"Hey guys!"(y/n) said excitedly

"Oh hey"John And carbide said in the same time

"So guys is the machine ready to go?"I said questioning them

"Yap here you go but before you go let's throw a party!"John said tossing the remote to me

"Yeah that actually sound very nice"I said

"Oh your goodbye party won't be that happy for long"a mysterious voice said from upstairs coming down here.....

"O-omega!"we all said at the same time

"Ahh looks like everyone happy to see me"he said ominously

"No we are not omega, why are you even here?!"(y/n) said getting angry

"Ahh isn't obvious I'm taking that remote to earth and take over earth!"He said shouting ominously

"You wouldn't take this remote without a fair fight"I said wiping out a scar

"Ohh I already have it"he said pulling out the second remote John and carbide made

"No!, you will not take our home cause every army will take you down omega" (y/n) said

"Ohh who said I'm going alone"he said with a lot of people coming down

"Oblivion,omen,raven and all your robot army."I said shocked which all of us were shock

"Hahahaha no one will stop us!"he said pushing the green button and the portal opened

"How did you know which button to press?"I said confused

"Isn't it obvious, I was you all this time"he said with an evil laugh

"Are you sure you can finish this omega?"someone said from behind us.

We turned around to see some girl standing there with a pump and wearing a cat suit..
Just a disclaimer this is MY story and I can do what ever I want so I'm mixing season 5 with 7 anyways continue
"My name is lynx and I come from the future to kill you omega!"she said

"Ha you with what army?!"omega said laughing

"Your army"she said snapping her fingers then all the robots eyes turned blue from yellow and they went to our side

"Wha-what is happening?how did you do that?"omega said in disbelief

"Simple I have powers to control any sort of technology"she said shouting her gun at omegas chest

"Omega no!"omen and oblivion said

"You little brat you will pay"omen said

"You sure about that?"she said throwing a clinger to both of omen and oblivion which killed them

"(Y/n), drift you have the honors of killing omega"she said turning to us which me and (y/n) nodded.

We walked up to omega with pumps and said "any last words omega?"I said to omega angry

"Hahaha you think you have beaten me? Ha no one has successfully killed me and.."Then (y/n) cut him off shouting her gun with permanent gaming ending bullets

"Don't care bitch!" She said then turning to me while putting he gun back

"Well at least we can party now"I said which made (y/n) giggle

"Wait lynx is still here"she said smiling

"Oh yeah.. so lynx Your from the future?"I said to her

"Yeah and it's time for me to go now"she said putting her fingers about to snap "bye everyone"she said

"Bye"we all said and she disappeared.

"It's time to party guys lets go to the factories to have Dj yonder host with Dj bop"I said

"Yeah let's go"(y/n) said and we went to the party

timeskip cause I'm to lazy—

(Y/n) pov

It was time for us to go back home

"Are you guys ready?"John said and we nodded

"Alright guys bye we hope to see you in one peace when we go back here"i said and pushing the green button

"Ready baby?l" drift said

"Yes"I said then he kissed me which I think it will be the last for awhile then we jumped into the portal.

Alright guys this is by far my longest story to make but it was eventful and don't worry this is not the end of the love of drift and (y/n) which is you hehehe anyways thing will get more tense from next chapter and so on well at least I try to anyways don't forget to vote and bye.

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