Chapter 17-time to go back

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This pic made me scream on my pillow. Ok small talk idk when I should finish this...I think I'll finish this when I decide to put the baby and them having a good family anyways hope you enjoy and side note this is fast forward a few years to where they are finish of school and it's time to go back and it's still season 7 there so lol.

(Y/n) PoV

Me and drift are finally finished with college and we are planning going back to fortnite island and we also plan to bring are friends which are kath, Hilary and Edgar
And they already told them the truth (Edgar is inspired by pewdiepies dog)
"Hey drift when are we going back to the island?"i said

"Hmmm tomorrow night because it was night when we first went there and I'm planning that we are staying there"he said

"Hmmm good idea and I think it's time that we unfreeze the guys"I said whipping out the sceptre

"Yeah first lets go to sleep babe"he said

"Yeah sure"I said and we went to our room and we were cuddling

time skip—

Drift POV

It was morning and I see (y/n) still sleeping which I found cute and I kissed her, luckily she didn't wake up.

I got up and went to the bathroom took a shower.

(Y/n) PoV

I woke up to the sound of running water "hmmm drift must be taking a shower. Hehehe time for a prank"I said getting ice cubes and water and putting them in a water gun cause I know drift likes taking a warm shower.

I opened the door to the bathroom quietly and luckily he didn't notice it.i went to a wall were he can't see me then i quietly opened the shower door And squirted him with extremely cold water

"What the fuck (y/n), I know we've been through this" he said taking the water gun and turning off the shower and pinning me to the wall

"You've been a naughty girl but let's do this later when we go to the island,now go tell everyone"he said

"Yes daddy"I said smirking and kissing him then going out the bathroom and calling everyone and telling them the time and place to go.

at the place and time cause I'm lazy—

We were at the desert where we first went then I saw everyone coming

"Hey guys!"I screamed and they waved back

"Hey!"Edgar said then they drop off next to us

"Now are you guys ready?"Drift said and they nodded

"Ok let's go"i said taking the remote and opening the portal and we jumped in.

#CLIFFHANGER lol anyways next chapter is going to be fun to write cause I plan it to be 1000+ words....plz save me anyways hope you guys enjoy and don't forget to vote bye nya :)

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