Chapter 23-some trouble

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Omg do you guys ship this? Because he'll I do! Anyways if your wondering why the chapter is a bit depressing it's because duh it's normal to be depress when you lose someone you extremely love and second I got friend zone by "SOMEONE" don't wanna say who and I've been but depress late so yeah....and school all that anyways I've been ranting for to long enjoy.

Drift POV

I got back to the mansion and opened the door and I see everyone and I mean EVERYONE in the main area and they shouted "surprise" "what is this for?"i said

"It's for you, don't you remember?"John said

"No....oh shit I'm dumb it's my birthday ahaha...."I said rubbing the back of my next with a fake smile but in inside I was dying

"Drift plz don't be sad on your birthday, I know you want her back but she is in a better place now"he said

"Ok.."I said going to the bathroom

"Be right back"I said and they nodded.

I went in the bathroom and took off my clothes and took a shower.

I was crying a bit in the shower.

I got out of the shower and I brushed my teeth and then I see a rock hit the window next to me "wtf?!"I said and I went closer and another rock hit the window making me jump a bit then I close up to the window and I see a guy with fire coming out of him but was being negated by the rain

"Help me!"he screamed

"Omg"I said putting some clothes on and going outside and I brought him inside

John PoV

"Omg"everyone said

"Here sir"drift said sparking him with his lightning power making the man having more powers

"Thank you....hehe hahaha"he chuckled when his flame grew he chuckled more

"Fools!"he screamed and snapped his fingers and then a earthquake happened near the house and the man disappeared

"Drift who was that?"I said

"Idk I saw him throwing rocks at the window while I was in the bathroom....wait a minute, if he can do that so he was throwing a fireball at the window and he was trying to break in but the rain stopped him"he said

"Wait heard of him before..."carbide said

"Who is he?"I said

"His the fire king who was in prisoned by the ice king but since you killed him you freed him"carbide said

"Shit shit"drift said and then another earthquake happened

"Wh-what's happening?!"raptor said

"The fire king..."drift said going into kitsune form and going to the source of the earthquake.

Drift POV

I went to the epic centre
Yes I know what that is

Of the earthquake near wailing and I see the fire king "fire king!!"i said throwing a spark of lightning at him

"Fool that only helps me grow stronger"he said making another earthquake happen

"What are you doing?!"i said

"2things one, I'm trying to make myself more powerful by raising a volcano and two bringing back someone"he said

"Wait who?"I said confused

"None of your business now die!"he said throwing a fireball at me but I dodge it

"Argh.....Hehehee you don't know what I can do"I said throwing a lightning bolt at the sky making it rain and lightning

"Fool you also don't know what I can do"he said stopping the rain with a snap with his finger

"Argh"I growled

"Fool you can't stop this"he said throwing a fireball super fast making hit the ground and he began to rise the volcano

"Noo..."I said before I blacked out.

(Y/n) PoV

"Oh no, arc let me help him plz"I beg arc

"No (y/n) we cannot interfere with mortal activity we can only watch"she said

"Plz"i said then before I knew it I was falling back to the mortal world "(y/n)!"I hear arc and I landed to the normal world

"How? Wait a minute, fire king said he was bringing back someone is that me?"I asked

"No your not"I hear a voice and I turned around to see a girl that kinda looks like the fire king

"Who are you?"i said

"I am ember, the fire kings queen"she said pulling out a shotgun but I knocked it out her hands with my powers

"Why you little"she said

"You can't beat me, I'm to powerful being an angle and kitsune"I said

"Oh I can"she said using her powers to summon a army of fire men and a fire tornado

"Oh shit!"I said flying away to drift

"Come back you wimp"she shouted

"A good fighter must know when to fight and to retreat so bye"I said.

I arrived where Drift is "omg drift"I said putting my ear against his MUSCULAR chest

"Good his still breathing"I said

"Come on drift"I said carrying him and flying us to the mansion.

Ok that's enough for now I'm to sleepy anyways hoped you enjoyed and don't forget to vote bye.

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