Chapter 1

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*Play Song*
*Pic above of what you're wearing *

We pulled up to FCU, I let my big sister put concealer on the undersides of my eyes.  Hiding the dark circles.

Once she finished we got out of the car, My parents started to grab my stuff.  But I quickly grabbed my bag to carry something. 

I put a smile on my face as they helped me bring my stuff to the dorm.  The placed my few boxes down by the door before my sister pulled me into a  tight bear hug.

"I'm going to miss you SO much!" She said as she cupped her hands on my cheeks giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"I'll miss you to, Adeline. "I chuckled softly, Adeline looked at me with her glittering E/c eyes.  They shimmered as she held tears back.

My step-Mother just stood back, Her hands rested against her round belly. I walked over and gave her a awkward hug, her baby bump made it hard to really hug her.

"I'll miss you, Julee. "I said, Even though I won't really miss her. Maybe a smidge, or maybe not at all.

My dad was bravely holding his tears back, before wrapping me into a hug so tight my back popped. I managed to pull my arms around him as he hugged me tightly.

"I'll miss you so much, Your mother would've been so proud to see you all grown up. "He said a few stray tears going down his face.

Yeah, she would huh.  I miss her.  So much.

I held my tears back, as I wiped his away.  Giving him my best smile. "I'll miss you to Papa, but you better be brave and Happy! Adeline and Julee need your support as well!" I kissed his cheek before grabbing a box.

"Bye guys. " I said as I opener the door and they walked away down the corridor.  I walked over to the empty side.

Half of the room was done in full black, my Dormmate is Zane Ro'meave.  Must be Goth or Emo. That's neat. 

I always thought the color black was creative, it could represent anything.  It gave any picture life, gave up the night.  And many other things.

Once I got everything in my side, I began to unpack. My finger tip gently grazing over the smiling face of my mother.

Her young smile brightly shined, her beautiful H/c curly hair framed her face perfectly.  But of course all the color was drained out, as the black and white photo held in one motion.

Her hands were folded into her lap, on the corner of the photo was my mother's name.  M/n.

I smiled as I placed it on my shelf, along with my other pictures. I crouched down to pick up a open box. 

"So your Y/n?" A voice spoke behind me, causing me to yelp and stand up abruptly.   I dropped the box and a f/c journal locked, tumbled out of it.  Hitting his shoe.

I looked in fright at the boy, His black hair swepted over one eye.  His icy blue eye gleamed at me.  A mask covered the lower half of his face. 

His gaze went down to the book as he picked it up, I quickly managed to grab it before nodding.

"Yup that's me. "I said, Putting the book into the bottom drawer of my dresser.  Before sliding my clothes on top of it. 

"Y-you must be Zane?" I stammered a bit. 

He gave a short nod. I smiled at him a little.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. " I said, he just grunted in response. Sounding annoyed.

Jar of Smiles【Zane X Goth!Reader 】Where stories live. Discover now