Chapter 2

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*play song*

I was being stared at by the class, as I cleaned up my mess of a broken pencil.  Ignoring the bitch, after class I was writing on my computer in the cafeteria.

In the back sitting on the ground and typing away, a smile on my face as I continued typing.  Not noticing the girl from earlier approach me.

The was until, burning hot coffee was dumped over me.  My laptop was fizzling, as I gasped a hiss.

"Oh my bad, I didn't see you there. "She sneered, I glared at my now broken computer. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.

Stay calm! Do not punch her!keep a smile on your face it's nothing!!

Everyone looked interested in my next move, I stood up still glaring at my computer.  After I sat it down on the ground besides me. 

I raised my eyes to her, reaching over to one of er friend's coffee that was steaming hot.  Raising it above her blonde head.

I poured it on her causing her shriek as the hot coffee was poured all over her.  Taking the silicone cup I smashed it in my hands, before placing it on her head.

Patting her shoulder, "My bad I ruined your 500$ make up. " I hissed, grabbing my computer and bag and storming off.

Downing the corridor and towards the dorm, kicking the door open to a startled Zane.  I slammed it shut before pulling a tote of rice out form under my bed.

Sliding my laptop into it, I shut the tote.  Before grabbing clothes and storming into the bathroom. Ignoring a confused an kinda worked Zane.

After I changed and cleaned myself up I was still angry.  Pacing the bathroom trying to contain my anger.

Smile! Smile! Just smile! Come on for your friends!!

I inhaled and exhaled many times, before I gave up and walked out of the bathroom. Seeing Zane sitting about as far as he could away from my side of the room. 

Hissing I grabbed a pillow before throwing it onto my bed as hard as I could. Before walking over and flopping on my bed.

"Are you out of murder mode?"Zane questioned, I looked at him.  Before nodding, I felt a little better.

"Yeah.. But I could use a hug?"I said and he immediately shook his head.

"No. "


"No. "

"Pretty Please!"

"Nope. "


"Nada. "

"pwease. "

"No. "

"just one?"

"Nope. "

"Ugh, fine. "I sighed in defeat, pouting slightly as my request for a hug was declined many times. Then a idea perked up in my mind.

While he was turned away, I walked over to him. Before I spoke.

"how about we watch MLH?"I offered, he doesn't known my evil plan.. Hehe... Zane turned and looked at me.

"Okay I guess. "He said as he turned his phone off, before standing up ad we walked to the couch. He sat on one side of the couch. I sat on the other.

While the show played, and Zane watched it intently.  I was ready to put my plan into motion. Sitting in criss cross on the couch waited for him to be fully intranced in the show.

Jar of Smiles【Zane X Goth!Reader 】Where stories live. Discover now