My Hero Academia OC

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•Full Name•
Erin Lee-Min
Min-Min, Crimson
Ki Hong Lee

•Full Name•Erin Lee-Min•Nickname•Min-Min, Crimson•Age•16•Gender•Male•Sexuality•Homosexual•Race•Japanese•Appearance• Ki Hong Lee

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•Personality•He is very shy around new people, which works to his advantage sometimes

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He is very shy around new people, which works to his advantage sometimes. When he's around people he's known for a while, or when he's doing something he's comfortable with, he gets super confident. Erin is a great liar, being able to spin up half-truths and full on lies on the spot, and not be detected. But, Erin gets bad at lying when he is talking to someone he cares about a lot. He also is very great full for anything anyone does for him.
•Quirk Description•
Whenever his heart rate goes up, his quirk gets more and more active. His main quirk is his skin becoming more pigmented with a red tint, and alongside that he becomes stronger and more agile.
•Quirk Drawbacks•
He can't activate his quirk if her heart rate doesn't go up. Plus, Erin is always at risk for a heart attack if he uses his powers to often, or to a high enough degree.
(I can remove it, but WARNING: themes of abuse)
His father, Takeshi, used to have a wife, and both of them had him together. His mother died while giving birth to Erin, and Takeshi swore to protect him. Takeshi remarried, this time to a man name Kyoto. Kyoto had a quirk where he could control the blood inside people's bodies, along with blood outside of people's bodies. He used this ability to control and manipulate Takeshi and Erin. Most of the physical harm would go towards Takeshi, and most of the verbal harm would go towards Erin, yet this wasn't always the case. This made Takeshi take to a life of crime, mainly tearing up buildings and scaring people, to get his anger out. For Erin, it made him shy, scared, and angry at the world, and he bottled up those emotions. Eventually he transferred into AU, making it in on his first try. He didn't know how long he could keep his situation at home under wraps, or for how long his fathers villainy would go unnoticed.
Izuku Midoriya(Deku)
Special Attack and Drawback
Blood Bath. Erin's heart rate raises so high that his skin is a similar colour to blood. At this time his strength rate is so high it can rival that of his father and maybe even some pro heroes. The main drawback is obviously the fact that his heart is beating so fast that he could collapse and go into cardiac arrest at any moment. An unforeseen consequence is his in controllable rage, or sadness, or extreme emotion. He almost can't control his strength at that point.

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