Creepypasta OC

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Amaya Lee
•Creepypasta Name•
Asian, half-Korean half-Japanese
"Fixing" people, smiling, laughing, dancing, running through the wood, eating human flesh, wilted roses, and breaking people's noses.
People stealing her kîlls, being caught in the middle of kîlling, he sound of people running their hands together, âssholes, and open graves.
She often gets caught up in taking, seeing as she likes to take time with her killings. Amaya also has to move around a lot, seeing as she records her killing with David, and sends them to local news stations.
Knife, her own teeth, a small hammer, and her boots.
She is rather spiratic. She talks a lot, but is quiet a lot too. One minute she is super calm and reading, the next she's stabbing her new boyfriend in the chest, breaking his nose and biting the flesh off of his neck. Or, she could also go from threatening to stab someone, to asking them what they want for dinner.
•Face claim•
Nana Komatsu

•Face claim•Nana Komatsu

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•Backstory•Her father wasn't the best man

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Her father wasn't the best man. He was a drag queen, so he was out late doing shows, and selling himself as a product. She didn't really mind it as a 12-year-old, until the club he worked at was shot up and he was killed. This left her to live with her two aunts, who loved her a little to much. It was subtle at first, but then it turned into full on abuse. She didn't dare tell anyone, and she didn't. She turned 18, graduated high school, and she aunts refused to let her go to college, instead keeping her home all day for... activities. Amaya had no idea what her aunts did during the day, but she soon found out, seeing as they came home trailed by an insane looking man. Apparently they owed him money, but he no longer cared about the money. He killed the aunts, then took Amaya to use for himself. She was passed around from person to person, before finally snapping when she met a tall man, with a trench coat and fedora. He gave her a single rose, and she accepted, asking him for a quick and painful death, but it never happened, leaving her out on the sidewalk, multiple dead bodies thrown around her. She was found by a man named David, who helped her and taught her all he knew about the profession of being a serial killer.
David Reid
•Creepypasta Name•
Diablo or "The Masked Man"
Being anonymous, drinking alcohol, helping others, backstabbing, cake, finding targets, and hanging out with Amaya.
Disposing of bodies, anyone who Amaya dates, and breaking promises.
His need to make a name for himself. Constantly sending tapes and videos to news stations about his kills and locations, he wants to have his name writing in the papers, and that makes it easy to find him.
Butchers knife, fire, chainsaw, screwdrivers, anvil, whatever else he can find to make a creative kill, and lots of acid
Ticci Toby
He is almost as odd as Amaya. He is more than ready to do anything to become a killer. He will pick up strangers, kill newscasters, rob banks, shank people in alleyways, murder someone on live tv, whatever he can. He is creative, and smart. Cold and calculating to the outside world, but like a murdering big brother to Amaya. When he cares about someone, he shows it.
•Face Claim•
David Castro

•Face Claim•David Castro

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•Backstory•David didn't have a really bad childhood, he was just thrust into something he wasn't ready for

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David didn't have a really bad childhood, he was just thrust into something he wasn't ready for. He was pushed to be great by his parents, his friends, and his teachers. His workload was astronomical, and they pushed him so hard that he thought he would break, and he did. He broke his left leg, being told that he would never be able to play football, or baseball again, and everyone turned away from him. He was shunned, now worthless to his friends and family in high society. He wanted to be something, but he didn't get to. Once he was out of the hospital, at 16, he started killing. Smalls things, like alleyway robbery's framed to have gone wrong, or a drive by, but it wasn't enough. He didn't even make a story, let alone front page, so he moved on. Bank robberies, murdering family, and he got a story on the second page of one newspaper that was printed for a week. He need more. That's when he decided to become a full on jigsaw rip-off, but he needed help. Help arrived practically on his doorstep in the form of Amaya Lee, she was willing to kill at this point. So, they both got to work, and stayed at work, together, like siblings. (Sorry, but this is also for David)

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