Advice please?

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Hey guys! I'm a little bit stumped. So after this chapter I have 3 different ideas for how the story would go after the last chapter. I can't decide which one though! So I'm gonna tell you a bit about each one and you guys tell me which one you would like more.

1.So basically this semi has to do with the beginning of how the musical goes. Actually mostly just about Connor after the first day of school. If you haven't actually listened to or watched a bootleg or something of DEH and are just reading this I suggest you go listen to that so you know what I'm talking about. I don't want to spoil it but just know it kinda follows that line in a sense except something kinda stops it!

2.Basically just listen to Sincerely Me and For Forever minus the lying and that it!

3.Connor and Evan become friends and Jared just keeps fucking with everything and causing a huge mess.

Now trust me Ik they all seem like they could fit together but there is more that I have for each one than what I gave away. I didn't want to give everything away from that that'll just be mostly what the story keeps bringing back and it's what impacts the story mostly! Please choose wisely! Purple you~~~

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