Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2 - Valentine


January 1st 00:5



Me: CONGRATIlafutons!! You are the firstpersonI texted in 2018.

Me: And it took me a whole 5 minsjf because I'm snbot drunk.

Me: k I love you bye

After finishing up at the nye party me and my family, consisting of my mum, dad and brother, head home.

My brother is the only one that doesn't drink, he's the 'sensible' one out of all of us.

We tried to get him to drink tonight...since it's nye and he is 18 so he is allowed, but he wouldn't.

I stumble through the door of our house, my arm linked with my mums, she nearly fell ..meaning I nearly went with her. We where both in hysterics as my dad staggered past us. My brother looking stressed out as he has to look after all three of our drunk asses.
But after a struggle, he managed to get me and my parents to bed.


I wake up to my head pounding and the room spinning.

"Holy shit" I say squinting as to not let the sunlight blind me and I rub my head before falling back into my pillow.

After I've woken up more, I pick up my phone from the floor beside my bed. I either dropped it down there or it fell and I didn't bother to pick it up.

I unlock it, shying away from the brightness of the screen. But quickly look back as I notice that twitter is the first thing open...and it's on my dm with Calum.

"Dear god" I say and I mentally face palm, I was : A MESS! .

January 2nd 9:30

Me: GOd

Me: I sorry 😬

Me: I was A MESS.

Me: i gotta go ,sam's calling me.

Me: have a good day cdizzle :-)

This one is a short one ...but it's for context, it'll make sense later.

- Leigh-Anne xox

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