Chapter 9.

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Chapter 10 - Valentine


Jan 19th

This week has flown by. I can't believe how soon it is that Calum and the boys will be back in Sydney. And I really can't believe the fact that I'll be at their home show this time next week. Never in a million years did I ever think I'd make it to a 5sos concert, let alone be invited by 1/4. It's been nearly a full month and although with each day it it feeling more normal to me, I am still struggling to comprehend it.


Calum - yo it's cdizzle.

Calum - ho was jkorj day?

Me - woah Woah WOAH

Me - Firstly, lets never say that sentence again.

Me - secondly, are you drunk?:-)

Me - And Finally, Meh could have been better.

Calum - No...IM Nat Lurjke told me ehtat he jse

Calum - WAIT


Almost perfectly on queue after the last message from Calum came through telling me to wait, his contact flashed onto my home screen and my ringtone 'Youngblood' played loudly through the speaker, making me jump and almost drop my phone on my face.

I hit the green answer button and am instantly met with loud music and the sound of Luke and Ashton singing along and laughing in the background.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask laughing at them.

"We're filming a thing." I heard Calum say over the noise.

" i can't tell you yet"

"Yeah, it's a secrettt"  I heard Michael say into the phone, Calum laughing at him.

"Okay?.... well... it clearly includes alcohol" I laughed

"How much have you had to drink anyway?"

"I" Calum began and I heard Ashton shout in the background "we're really drunk" and I just laughed.

"Okay, well I'm going to go to sleep now. You boys have fun." I started "but save some for next week ay."

"WOOOOH SYDNEY" I heard Luke shout sending the others into hysterics.


Once I'd managed to get of the phone with the four drunk messes you know as 5sos, I change into my pyjamas and climb into bed.
I know I'm super lame going to bed at 9pm on a Saturday but listen, it's like 2am where the boys are and it's been a long week.

I lay staring at the ceiling, deep in thoughts about Calum and the boys. My excitement for the show next week shot me wide awake for a short while, but it wasn't long before my tiredness overpowered all else.


I'm sorry about how short this one is. I struggled with it. I promise they'll be and get better.

— Leigh-Anne xox

Valentine. | c.hTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang