Chapter 10.

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Chapter 10 - Valentine


I cannot believe that in 5 days I am going to a 5sos concert that Calum hood himself invited me to.
Your lying.

The boys arrive here in Sydney on the 24th, the day before Calum's birthday. and the fact that they play their home show on Saturday on Calum's birthday week is only going to make it a million times more special.


Today is a nonworking day for me so I was finally able to have a lay in, and by lay in I mean an extra hour. I work Tuesday - Friday and sometimes Sundays if they need me and my usual shift starts at 6am. I hate my body clock.

After getting up and getting myself ready with the usual routine I head downstairs to get some breakfast. Once my bowl of cereal was made I sat at the island in the kitchen and unlocked my phone.

Today I am going to surprise Rebecca and tell her that she is coming to see 5sos with me....and that Calum hood invited her too. I'm going to make her come shopping with me to help me find an outfit. And when we get to the mall I'll tell her that she needs an outfit too. It's going to be the perfect execution.


Me - sup betch!!

Me - wakey wakey we're going shopping!!!!

Becca - good morning to you too XD

Becca - Also ITS 8AM ARE YOU CRAZY?????

Me - exactly it's getting LATE!

Becca - thats a Yes then!!!

Me - great , I'll pick you up at 10:00 !!! :-)

Becca - thats not what I....

Becca - nvm. *facepalms*

Becca - see you then.

I potter around the house for a while ,dancing around to music and waiting for time to hurry up so as I could go get becca.

I slump down on the couch and my phone message tone makes me jump.
I pick it up and smile once I notice it's from Calum.

Calpal - good morning ;) , any plans for the day? :-)

Calpal - not long now till the show AND MY BURFDAY :-)


Me - 2. *birthday and DJAJSJSJSJ

Me - 3. I'm going shopping with becca to find an outfit for Saturday. What about you sir, anything on the agenda?

Calpal - 1. @ ME !!

Calpal - 2. *scoffs* I'm sure you'll look fine in whatever. ;) also SIR SiR sIr. But nah nothin today.


Me - 1. @calum5sos 2.SKSKSJSJS 3.i hate you (jk luv u) 4.HOW DARE YOU STEAL MY THING!

Calpal - your cute :-) alsooo ly2 x

Me - aww :)

Me - oh shit I gotta go imma be late. Later Calpal x

Calpal - have fun x

Calpal - tell becca I said hiiiiiii :-)

Calpal - margs??


Calpal - Ok your gone, have fun x :-)))))


Okay, here's a quick short chapter. It's not great but I was really missing 'valentine' . Imma be trying to write some more soon as well.

- Leigh-Anne x

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