Chapter 5.

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Chapter 5 - Valentine


January 7th 9:00am

I wake up to the sound of chirping birds and sunlight beaming in through the cracks in the curtains.
As I start to get up I notice that I still have my work clothes on and I remember falling asleep watching Shane and then waking up to to a random video playing at 1:00am.

Once I am fully out of bed I decide I should probably take a shower since I slept in clothes that smell of coffee and food all night.


Once I am dressed in clean clothes I grab my phone off the charger and run down the stairs to see my mum in the kitchen and Sam in the living room playing his video games.

Sam and I are fraternal twins, we are both 19 about to turn 20. He is actually 4 minutes older than me and he wont let me forget it either.

I love being a twin, when people say that there is something different with twins compared to normal siblings...they're so right. Me and Sam are so close and have such a strong bond just because we're twins.

Being a twin does come with downfalls though, the same as any other siblings. he sometimes annoys the crap out of me.
But I don't mind because I know I'd miss it if he didn't.


I sit down on the sofa next to sam and watch him play his game for a while, every now and again going on my phone to check Twitter... smh I need a new hobby.

I tuck my legs up and get comfortable as I open mine and Calum's DM.

Me: Im watching Sam play video games right now...

Me: good god .. I really don't understand what you dudes find so interesting about it...

Me: I mean seriously ...Sam plays fifa all the legit sends me to sleep...




I sigh heavily. I guess today is still not the day, I think to myself as I look up from my phone resting on my lap to the tv to watch what Sam was doing and at least try to understand.

my phone vibrates, making me jump and it fell to the floor .As I picked it up I noticed Twitter was still open on the chat...and there was one new message.

I scream gaining the attention of mum who is looking at me strangely and my brother who's attention tears away from the game, laughing at me as I jump around excitedly.
I am shaking and trying to breathe, I sit down and try to calm myself down....

....Except how are you supposed to be calm when CALUM HOOD ..THE CALUM HOOD ..1/4 of 5sos has dm'd you.

Cal finally replied in the chat. What do you think he said? 😏

- Leigh-Anne xox

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