Chapter 7.

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Chapter 7 - Valentine


Jan 14th

It has been exactly one week since cal first replied to me on our dm and it is still completley unreal to me. like.. there arent many people lucky enough to be able to say that they speak to their favourite celebrity on the daily. It's been a fucking wild week, I'm so happy.

Cal and I have spoken so much, anytime he hasn't been in rehearsals or in the studio with the boys.
He was telling me about it last night, he said they're working on something thats going to be dope, and that he'll tell me more later. Imagine your favourite band telling you about things that they are working on and being the first in the entire fandom to know about it.


Calum - Margo?

Me - sup?

Calum - I have news.

Me - ok...?

Me - what is it?

Me - good or bad?

Calum - it's good.

Calum - me and the lads are coming home to Sydney for a few days.

Calum - we have a couple of home gigs to play.

Me - oh..well that's actually shit news.

Calum - excuse you....what?

Me - you mean to say you guys are coming home ?

Calum - Yeah...

Calum - i thought it would have been a good thing :-)

Me -  no.

Me - and I didn't give you permission to use my smiley.

Calum - fine >:-D

Calum - that's my smiley and I don't grant you permission to use him either.

Me - >:-D

Calum - but anyway. Why is me coming back a bad thing...I'm still lost on that one.

Me - because.

Calum - because what? Just tell me.

Me - because Calum, we will be in the same city and won't be able to see each other.

Calum - why not?

Me - god it really is 21 questions with you huh hood.

Calum - ...

Me - look. I can't afford the tickets okay. I work in a freaking coffee shop...

Me - I live on practically nothing after bills.

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