Chapter 2

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The next day I woke up and went downstairs to have breakfast. I knew that Charlie had already gone so I was alone. I had cornflakes for breakfast and I was in a rush to get to school so I just stuffed spoonfuls in my mouth. I went upstairs and changed my clothes into a dark purple t-shirt with LA written on it and a pair of blue skinny jeans.

I put on my green Converse high tops and packed my bag and went out the door. As I went outside i saw a red Suzuki in the driveway with a note in the windshield saying: Elina I hope you like this car I bought it for you yesterday and the keys are under the mattress in front of the doorway,drive safely, love from charlie. I looked at my red Suzuki and smiled it was my favourite colour, blood red.

I drove off to school which was 2 and a half km away from my house. I arrived at school and found a parking spot. I went out of my car and went to the office to ask where my classes were. The office lady told me where everything was and I understood clearly. I was walking around until...

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