Chapter 5

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"FOOD FIGHT!" He then got tomatoes and threw one at the teachers desk and one at the teacher. And then all of a sudden everyone (except me and Shaylin) got their food out of their bag and started throwing it around. The teacher then yelled VERY loud "STOP IT!" but they still kept on throwing food. Then suddenly I felt Shaylin grabbing my arm and he pulled me out of the classroom "Idiots" he said in a whisper.

We then went to the principal office and told him what had happened. He rushed down to the English room and we followed him but stopped at the door. "um Elina would you like to go on a date with me if you um don't have any plans?"

"Sure but I got invited to a beach party that day but that's OK I will cancel." " Are you sure I don't want to spoil your fun." " No its fine I only said yes cause I had nothing to do on that day.""OK cool so I will pick you up at 1pm if its OK with you." "Yeah its fine but do you-. We were interrupted by the shout of the principal " WHO STARTED THIS MESS!"

We then entered the room and saw that everyone was looking at Jack. Jack got detention for two weeks and the rest of the class besides me and Shaylin got detention starting today for 4 days. The bell went a few seconds after and me and Shaylin went for lunch and the rest of the class had to stay in. At lunch Shaylin asked me if he could sit with me and I said "of course". I got a chicken sandwich and a can of coke and Shaylin got nothing.

I looked at him and it was as if he could read my mind he said "I'm not hungry." " Hey Shaylin do you want to come over to my house today my dad isn't home till 7 so you can stay for a while." "Sure but we should take separate cars so none of our cars get left behind" "Cool". Then the bell went for last period, I had gym so I had to get changed.

" What are you doing for last period?" I asked Shaylin. "Gym" he said "Same." We went to Gym and we where doing dodge-ball which I sucked at so i didn't really want to play it but I had to. I got out straight away cause I didn't pay attention at all, But Shaylin he was the complete oppisite of me he was the last on and I think he got almost every person from the other team out.

Dodgeball went quickly and when our coach dismissed us the bell went. "Let's go" we both said at the same time once he dismissed us. We quickly got changed and went into the parking lot and we drove to my house.

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