Chapter 6

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We arrived at my house and Shaylin got out of his car which was a Mercedes Benz and opened the door to the Suzuki for me. He held my hand and pulled me out of the car. i closed the door and locked it and then went to open the house door. As i was going to the door i fell on a rock and almost fell down. Shaylin had caught me.

"Thanks" "your welcome". We went through the door and Shaylin did look around. "nice house you got here" "thanks". We went to the kitchen and i asked him if he was hungry. "No i don't get hungry much" "OK". I went to the oven and saw that there was some home-made lasagna left i got it out and put some on a plate. i ate it quickly and put my plate in the oven. I went into the living room and saw that Shaylin was sitting on the couch.

" Um Elina do you want to go for a walk in the forest?" "sure i will just go and grab my jacket". I went to my room to get my jacket and then went back down stairs and into the living room. "Ready" asks Shaylin "Ready". We went out the back door cause the forest was out back.We went into the forest and started walking. After a minute Shaylin said that he wanted to tell me something. "OK this is hard but um OK so do you believe in vampires?"

" No,not really" "Ok then i need you to get on my back" "OK..." " I didn't think that you would believe that i am a vampire so i am going to show you" "WAIT YOUR A VAMPIRE!?!?" "Yeah and i will prove this if you can hold on for a few minutes "OK". Then suddenly he ran so fast that i couldn't even see the trees. He stopped in about 30 second in a spot with sunlight and as i watched his eyes and they turned into a hazelish greenish color and his teeth now had fangs.

"Do you believe me now?" "hell yeah" "good" he said in a chuckle. So do you want to go know its almost seven here get on my back again." "OK" and we went off. he sped through the forest like a bullet and we arrived at my house in a hurry i went through the back door and he went to the front yard. "See you tomorrow" "bye" and we went back to our own lives the week passed so fast and it was like only a minute passed and it was saturday morning.

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