Chapter 4

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" The first one is Sodium Chloride" We said at the same time after looking in the microscope. We both laughed. "The next one is green coloured water" said Shaylin and we went on and finished everything. When Mr Peter came to check our work he said that everything was correct. "You two work very well together". "Thank you" we said at the same time

Just then the bell rang and we went for First break. I went to the cafeteria and got a cookie and a drink to eat. When I sat down some girls came up to me and said " Hi I'm Sophie and this is Lauren and Chloe."

Sophie was blonde and she was wearing just jeans and a plain purple t shirt like me and Lauren and Chloe both had brown hair and they were both wearing black jeans but Lauren was wearing a plain red shirt and Chloe was wearing a plain blue shirt.

" Hi" I said." Can we sit with you?". "Sure" I said and they sat down. "Sorry I don't know your name".   "Its Elina, I just started here today." "OK, Elina that's a nice name, would you like to come to our beach party this Saturday,Its at the local beach just down the road and  it starts at 1pm and ends at midnight." "First of all thanks and sure I would love to come"."Cool" They said. 

After awhile the bell went for second period and I had no idea where the English room was so I asked Sophie."lt's just around the left corner outside the cafeteria and its the third room from there." "Thanks" I said and went of. As I entered the room that Sophie told me, I saw that Shaylin was there as well. " Hi again!" "Hi!" I said.

I went over to the teacher and said good morning and she welcomed me to English and she said her name was Mrs Smith and that I should sit next to Shaylin cause that was the only spot left. As I went to sit next to Shaylin, he handed me a English book.

" We are studying with these today". "Thanks". Mrs Smith called the role and after that it was time to start English. When she was looking through her computer to see what we where doing today (Forgetful teacher!), someone who's name I think was Jack shouted...

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