Fake smiles

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I know everything, i know all your secrets but do you know mine, you frown when you see me in your sights. But you smile when your on your phone, you smile when your on your way out the door. But when i look through the glass of our window i see you with a smirk an then poof your gone from my sights. 

When your gone the blood of my veins drop from my arm to the now clean floor, that i mopped from my sweat tears. But after all i do for you, it ends the same, with you disappointed with you in rage of the sight of me. At the end of the day i sit by the window looking outside waiting for your rival. When i see a bright light i see you come with a big smile that i have never seen when your in the house...with me.

Once you turn the nob, i then run to the door with a big wide....smile? But i only see you with a big long frown an then you slam the door right behind you an walk past me. When i say hi you only say bye and walk upstairs, i only then go to the kitchen seeing the dinner i prepared only for you. But it seems like your not going to eat today since i could see lip stick on the smug of your lips seeing that you had your tast for yet again another day. 

I then go downstairs and see the basement you never been down to. With my two feet making a small creak i could hear your snoring from my sensitive hearing. I then reach out to the switch light on, i see the knife ready for me and the pills of pain sitting there on the ground waving hi. Now i know i sound crazy but am i really crazy when this is what you want from me.. you want me to be in pain so i will be in pain.

When i sat on the cold ground of the basement i could still smell my blood rotting in my flesh now you might now this but my life is coming to an end... But wont you be happy once i am gone to hell when your here with the one you seem more happy for. I then reached out for the pills with my shaking hand once it is in my system i could fell my blood burn, my mind exploding. 

I then reach out to the knife that sat there staring at me once i slid it though my wrist i couldn't feel a thing anymore. The only feeling was how numb i was in and outside when i was done cutting though my blue fur. Once i was able to keep my balance i then went to the kitchen seeing that there was bear but you want drink he because i still could smell the achol that followed you through the house.

So wit my hand shaking i graved it and drank it slipping down the refrigerate and with he beer in my left hand. I chucked down the whole making me dizzy, when i got up i saw the clock point to 4 am. It was time for you to wake up with the sun shining on your face not knowing i was down here crying for the whole night.

When i get food ready you eat then we talk for a little until you have to go to 'work' but when you close that door. You don't see me starving my self and drinking my tears away But how can you know when i am sad when all you see is a 'fake smile'? So that is probably why your upset with me becuase you don't know that i am doing what you ask of me..an that is seeing pain...

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