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what's the point... every one i touch just leaves me behind.... i'm tired of seeing your face when your face is nothing but the pain in my eyes as you reflect me. You frown because you only see upon knowing that i destroy everyone i love but i didn't mean for them to be gone... i blame myself for the truth as well.

i'm sorry, no really i am, i am sorry i wasn't there i am sorry i was not able to end it.. or fight back. I'm sorry no you should not be sorry it is fine an i am sorry i have to wear this disguise hiding myself from your eyes as you would be more happy with my true felling not the ones i create to hide this pain from your gazing sights.

But i do not care for the emotions that go through my head i onl care for the ones that touch through your heart that i was never able to see. An when i see your smile i am home and i don't wont that to go away... but yet it is already taken isn't. 


I was in the attick and i saw the sight of me and him... yes him the one that you killed the one i saw laying there on the ground in blood but you did not see me as i hid behind the wall in my own home. I saw him laying there with a smile on his face but a tear on his cheek was on his face sliding down that muzzle i once kissed and felt the warmth that i havn't felt in years.

those once strong arms that were rapped around me was now numb on the ground as his chest stopped moving then i knew he was gone. An i saw you standing there with a sad face standing above him. Maybe that was when all the lies began when you tol me you just tol me that he left me and ran off. but i only let you believe that i didn't know. 

When i look back i see the blood on his body not only his but others.. i cried for days, then days turned into months, and months turned into years and i am still here thinking of them. All i know is that i loved him and know i love you because i know that when i leave at least you will be happy and won'y be here like me in pain and sleeping in my own tears.

You then finally came home but i was crying, crying the sad tears away as i held the photo in my hand and it was not him but a photo of 'them'. Then you doped everything and ran to me with wide open arms as you hugged me. You stoked my quills as you told me that everything is okay, and as we pull away after 2 hours i saw you with a small smile then you looked down to my hand that held the photo. 

I then heard the deep sigh as you then looked at me with your eyes. AN then take the photo and hid it away from my view so i won't remember those days of the sun hitting my face, those days that i smiled along with 'them'. You help me up form the ground an took my hand in yours, but i could smell the perfume all among you and then i pulled away knowing that if i held on it would be a nasty night from the smell of your breath.  And that your eyes were red from the pot you were smoking but not today, so i walked away knowing you didn't care that i was crying.

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me: well there you go another chapter and it will be so worth it at the end of this story

sonic: ya right

shadow: well, well, well

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